Noteworthy Families (Modern Science) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about Noteworthy Families (Modern Science).

Noteworthy Families (Modern Science) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 108 pages of information about Noteworthy Families (Modern Science).

    wife’s me bro son, Sir Henry Meredith PLOWDEN, Senior Judge of
    Chief Court, Punjab (1880-1894).—­["Who’s Who,” 1904.]

son, Giles Lytton STRACHEY, Scholarship at Trinity Coll., Cambridge; Chancellor’s medal for English verse.

son, Oliver STRACHEY, Eton scholarship.

son, James Beaumont STRACHEY, scholarship at St. Paul’s School.

da, Joan Pernel STRACHEY, lecturer on Old French at Royal Holloway College.

da, Marjorie Colvile STRACHEY, prize offered in 1904 by the British Ambassador in Paris to male and female undergraduates of all colleges in Great Britain, for examination in French; scholarship at Royal Holloway College, 1904.

Aubrey #STRAHAN# (b. 1852), F.R.S., district geologist on the
    Geological Survey of England and Wales; author of geological
    memoirs on Chester, Rhyl, Flint, Isle of Purbeck, Weymouth, South
    Wales Coalfield, etc., and contributions to scientific
    journals.—­["Who’s Who.”]

me fa, Sir George FISHER, General of Royal Artillery; Commandant of Woolwich Arsenal.

bro, George STRAHAN, second for Pollock Medal at Addiscombe; Dep.  Surveyor-General of the Trigonometrical Survey of India, 1889; Colonel of Bengal Engineers.

bro, Charles STRAHAN, Lieutenant-General of Bengal Engineers; Surveyor-General of India, 1895.

fa bro son, Herbert KYNASTON (b. 1835), D.D., Camden Medallist and Browne Medallist, 1855; bracketed Senior Classic, 1857; Fellow of St. John’s Coll., Cambridge, 1858; Principal of Cheltenham Coll., 1874-1888; Professor of Greek and Classical Literature, University of Durham, 1889.—­["Who’s Who.”]

John William #STRUTT# (b. 1842), third Baron #RAYLEIGH#, D.C.L. 
    (Hon. Oxon.), LL.D., O.M., F.R.S., Hon. Sc.D. (Cambridge and
    Dublin), Professor of Natural Philosophy, Royal Inst., since
    1887; Senior Wrangler and Smith’s Prizeman, 1865; Professor of
    Experimental Physics, Cambridge, 1879-1884; Secretary Roy.  Soc.,
    1887; author of “Theory of Sound,” and many scientific
    papers.—­["Who’s Who,” and “Ency.  Brit.”]

bro, Hon. Edward Gerald STRUTT, successful land-agent and surveyor.

me si son, Ronald Montague BURROWS (b. 1867), Professor of Greek in the University Coll. of S. Wales and Monmouthshire.—­["Who’s Who.”]

son, Hon. Robert John STRUTT (b. 1875), F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity Coll., Cambridge; author of papers on radium, etc.—­["Who’s Who.”]

me fa bro, Major-General Edward VICARS, R.E., distinguished himself under Lord John Hay on North Coast of Spain; brevet majority and Spanish orders for gallantry before San Sebastian in 1836; selected for special duty with the fleet in 1854, but taken ill on the way out, and retired on full pay.

wife, see BALFOUR.

Project Gutenberg
Noteworthy Families (Modern Science) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.