The Iron Furrow eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about The Iron Furrow.

The Iron Furrow eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 277 pages of information about The Iron Furrow.

“Enough to freeze the dirt, just the same,” said Pat.

“We can leave the dam out of consideration.”

“Yes; no trouble about finishing that.  And your concrete work, Lee, won’t lose you any sleep.  A carload of cement from here, gravel from the river, and a dozen Kennard carpenters to knock together gate and drop frames—­no trick to crack that nut.  Frost, lad, frost!  It’s the thing to set us groaning.”

Bryant sat down and put his hand on the speaker’s knee.

“Pat, if we go into this thing and put it through, there will be a good fat bonus for you.”

“Maybe there will be and maybe there won’t.  Maybe you’ll have some money left when we’re done and maybe you’ll not have a red cent.  In any case, the old man is with you, Lee, to the end of the scrap—­if you go ahead.  What about your bondholders?  Will they stand for risking what’s not yet spent?  They will save considerable by your stopping now; they’ll lose all if we fail.”

“What do you——­”

Pat’s raised hand halted him.

“Ask me nothing,” said he.  “That’s for you alone to settle.  If you spend their money and win, they’ll say ’Thank you’—­maybe; and if you go under, they’ll damn you up one side and down the other and probably try to send you to the pen.  You’re the chief; you have to decide; you can’t share the responsibility—­anyway, not with me.  And if you’re inquiring, I’ll remark that its considerable responsibility.  Go off yonder by yourself and think it over a bit.”

Bryant left the old contractor lighting a fresh cigar.  He walked to another bench a short distance away, where he sat down.  In his first exultation at perceiving a fighting chance to save the project he had seen only the opportunity, but Carrigan’s unexpected turn of the subject had brought him back to earth.  He was guardian, as well as dispenser, of company funds.  He had obligations to the bondholders.  Therefore, would he be justified in risking the money on such a desperate venture?  His soul sank.

But his mind would not cease to revolve about the undertaking, for he could not at once relinquish his long-cherished dream.  The thought of tame surrender was as wormwood in his mouth.  To stand by acquiescent while the project collapsed!  That prospect he could not endure.  Never again, if he capitulated now, would he be able to strike out with the same courage as in this project; never with the same courage, or spirit, or faith.  The project was his creation!  The thing of his brain and will!  Part of himself!  And how confidently he had made his plans and acquired the property and started work!  No doubts of his ability to carry it through!  No question of his right to go ahead!  No fear of the task!

The engineer came suddenly to his feet.

Project Gutenberg
The Iron Furrow from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.