Cottage Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Cottage Poems.

Cottage Poems eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 56 pages of information about Cottage Poems.

Where Sin abounds Religion dies,
And Virtue seeks her native skies;
Chaste Conscience hides for very shame,
And Honour’s but an empty name. 
Then, like a flood, with fearful din,
A gloomy host comes pouring in. 
First Bribery, with her golden shield,
Leads smooth Corruption o’er the field;
Dissension wild, with brandished spear,
And Anarchy bring up the rear: 
Whilst Care and Sorrow, Grief and Pain
Run howling o’er the bloody plain.

O Thou, whose power resistless fills
The boundless whole, avert those ills
We richly merit:  purge away
The sins which on our vitals prey;
Protect, with Thine almighty shield
Our conquering arms by flood and field,
Wheel round the time when Peace shall smile
O’er Britain’s highly-favoured Isle;
When all shall loud hosannas sing
To Thee, the great Eternal King!

But hark! the bleak, loud whistling wind! 
Its crushing blast recalls to mind
The dangers of the troubled deep;
Where, with a fierce and thundering sweep,
The winds in wild distraction rave,
And push along the mountain wave
With dreadful swell and hideous curl! 
Whilst hung aloft in giddy whirl,
Or drop beneath the ocean’s bed,
The leaky bark without a shred
Of rigging sweeps through dangers dread. 
The flaring beacon points the way,
And fast the pumps loud clanking play: 
It ’vails not—­hark! with crashing shock
She’s shivered ’gainst the solid rock,
Or by the fierce, incessant waves
Is beaten to a thousand staves;
Or bilging at her crazy side,
Admits the thundering hostile tide,
And down she sinks!—­triumphant rave
The winds, and close her wat’ry grave!

The merchant’s care and toil are vain,
His hopes He buried in the main—­
In vain the mother’s tearful eye
Looks for its sole remaining joy—­
In vain fair Susan walks the shore,
And sighs for him she’ll see no more—­
For deep they lie in ocean’s womb,
And fester in a wat’ry tomb.

Now, from the frothy, thundering main,
My meditations seek the plain,
Where, with a swift fantastic flight,
They scour the regions of the night,
Free as the winds that wildly blow
O’er hill and dale the blinding snow,
Or, through the woods, their frolics play,
And whirling, sweep the dusty way,
When summer shines with burning glare,
And sportive breezes skim the air,
And Ocean’s glassy breast is fanned
To softest curl by Zephyr bland.

But Summer’s gone, and Winter’s here—­
With iron sceptre rules the year—­
Beneath this dark inclement sky
How many wanderers faint and die! 
One, flouncing o’er the treacherous snow,
Sinks in the pit that yawns below! 
Another numbed, with panting lift
Inhales the suffocating drift! 
And creeping cold, with stiffening force,
Extends a third, a pallid corse!

Project Gutenberg
Cottage Poems from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.