The Submarine Boys for the Flag eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Submarine Boys for the Flag.

The Submarine Boys for the Flag eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 182 pages of information about The Submarine Boys for the Flag.

At this announcement Jack Benson lost, for the moment, some of his cool composure.

“Officers of the Navy, sir!” he gasped, but his eyes glowed at the mere thought.

“You will be officers only temporarily,” returned the Secretary.  “You are not of age, any of you, I take it.”

“We are all just about the same age, sir—­seventeen, nearly eighteen,” Jack replied.

“Just so.  Now, none of you could legally bold officers’ commissions, except by a special act of Congress.  However, with the approval of the President, it is legal for me to give you special, temporary appointments under which you have the title, rank, pay and command of officers.  These appointments I am going to give and, for a brief while, though you will not have commissions, you will nevertheless be as actually officers of the Navy as are any admirals on the list.”

This astonishing statement almost took away the breath of the submarine boys.

“You are familiar with navigation, Benson, and are a capable enough sea-pilot along this coast.  I learned that much, early this morning, through Mr. Farnum’s answer to my telegram.”

“Then Mr. Farnum knows what we are going to do?” asked Jack, quickly.

“He doesn’t,” replied Secretary Sanders, with a shake of his head.  “Mr. Farnum knows, only, that you have a chance to be of some service to the Navy.  He seemed to be much pleased by our inquiry.”

The Secretary had just touched an electric button on his desk.  Now a clerk entered the room.

“Telephone the secretary of the President,” directed Mr. Sanders, “and ask him whether the President has examined and approved the special appointments that I sent over a while ago.”

The clerk was quickly back, to say: 

“The special appointments, Mr. Secretary, are duly approved, and are now on their way over from the White House.”

Two minutes later, a messenger entered, handing a sealed envelope to the Secretary of the Navy.

Breaking the seal, Mr. Sanders drew forth three heavy, folded sheets of parchment.

“Here you are, Mr. Benson,” resumed the Secretary, handing over one of the parchments.  “This document confers upon you, for the time being, the rank, pay and command of a lieutenant, junior grade, in the United States Navy.  You, Mr. Hastings, and you, Mr. Somers, will rank as ensigns under your special appointments.”

Jack’s head swam a bit as he thanked Mr. Sanders; then he started to glance over this marvelous document.

But the Secretary of the Navy now cut in, briskly: 

“That is all, gentlemen.  You know your instructions, in general, Lieutenant Benson.  You will now go to my chief clerk, who will swear you into the service.  He will also give you an order on a local tailor for the uniforms of your ranks.  In one hour and twenty minutes your train starts south.  On arrival at Norfolk you will report without an instant’s delay at the Navy Yard.  Aboard the ‘Sudbury’ you will receive all further instructions, wired from this Department.  Good morning, gentlemen.”

Project Gutenberg
The Submarine Boys for the Flag from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.