Southey and “The Brothers’ Steps,” 128, 129.
Southey’s “Thalaba, the Destroyer,” 154, 155.
Southworth, Sir John, Daughter of, 58-60.
Spectre, Lady Fanshaw’s strange, 192.
Spectre of the “Buckland Shag,” 124-126.
Stair, Lord, Daughter of the first, 52-56.
Stamer, Col., Daughter of, 71-73
Stoke d’Abernon, Monument in the Church of, 56.
Stokesay Castle, Treasure at, 277.
Stoneleigh Abbey, 152, 153.
Strathmore, Lord, of Glamis Castle, 98-103.
Street Place, Old House called, 97.
Swans of Closeburn, The, 184, 185.
“Sweet Heart Abbey,” 256.
Swinton, Sir John, 146-149.
Sybil, Lady, and the Eagle’s Crag, 168-170.
Talbot, Mary Anne as “John Taylor,” sailor, 209-212.
Talleyrand, Accident to, 280.
“Taylor, John,” alias Mary Anne Talbot, 209-212.
Thirlestone, Lady, 77-78.
Thomas the Rhymer, 75.
Thorpe Hall, The “Green Lady” of, 215, 216.
Thrale, Mr., of Streatham Park, 223, 224.
Thynne, Sir Egremont, 141-144.
Thynne of Longleat, Murder of, 300.
Tichborne, Sir Henry, 21.
Tichborne, Lady Mabelle, 21-23.
Tichborne Trial, The Great, 21-23, 64.
“Tiger Earl,” The, 99.
Timberbottom, Skull at Farmhouse called, 34, 35.
Towneley, Charles, 10.
Treasures concealed in the Earth, 267, 268.
Tremeirchon Church, 165.
Trentham, Elizabeth, Viscount Cullen and, 69-71.
Trent, Manor House at, Strange Chamber in, 96, 97.
Tufnell Park, Find of Gold at, 278.
Tunstead, Skull at, 33, 34.
Tweedie, The Clan of, 249, 250.
Vardon, Douce, a Midwife, 28.
Vavasour, Mrs. A., and Sir Henry Lee, 48.
Venice, Statue at, 65, 66.
Vernons of Hanbury, Cecil, Earl of Exeter, and one of the, 217-220.
Vienna, The Church of St. Charles, 65.
Vincent, Family of, at Stoke d’Abernon, 56.
Voltaire, Vow in one of his Romances, 51, 52.
Vows, Eccentric, 46-68.
Wakefield Mills, The, 130.
Walpole and Berkeley Castle, 88, 89.
Ward, Baron, 284.
Wardley Hall, Skull at, 37-40.
Wealth, Romance of, 263-278.
Wedgwood, Josiah, 280, 281.
Weird Possessions, 199-207.
Wellington, Duke of, Strange belief on the occasion of his funeral, 198.
Wells, “Mother,” 240, 241.
Wesley, John, and the game of whist, 67, 68.
Westminster Abbey, Hearts of Illustrious Personages at, 253.
Whitehead, Paul, The Heart of, 259, 260.
Widow’s Curse, The, 2-5.
Wilkinson, Tate, 67, 68.
Wilks, Col., Heirloom in possession of, 201, 202.