Dragon at Bromfield, Story of, 268, 269.
Drake, Sir Francis, Befriended by the Devil, 170-173.
Draycot, Walter Long of, 141-144.
Drinking Glass in possession of Sir George Musgrave, 202, 203.
Drummer, Mysterious, at Cortachy Castle, 189, 190.
Duckett, Justice, 11-12.
Dunbar, David, and Jane Dalrymple, 53-56.
Dundas, Laird named, Lord Hopetoun and, 84, 85.
Eagle’s Crag, Lady Sybil and the, 168-170.
“Earl Beardie,” 99.
Eastbury House, Blood Stains at, 121.
Easterton Ghost, The, 123, 124.
East Lavington, Mysterious Crime at, 123, 124.
Eccentric Vows, 46-68.
Eden Hall, Tradition relating to, 202, 203.
Edgewell Oak, Tradition, 181.
Edgeworth, Col., 67.
Edinburgh, Mysterious Crime at; Sir Walter Scott and, 108-110.
Edmund, King of the East Angles, 25, 26.
Edward, Lord Bruce, Heart of, 254
Edward, Lord Windsor, The Body of, 259.
Edward the Confessor and Earl Godwin, 79, 80.
Edward I., The Heart of, 256, 257.
Edward II., The Murder of, 88, 89.
Eleanor, Duchess of Buckingham, 255.
Ellesmere, Countess of, and the Wardley Hall Skull, 40.
Elizabeth, Queen, and Sir Henry Lee, 47, 48.
Erskine, Mr. Thomas, 287.
Erskine of Mar, The, 16.
Ettrick Hall, Curse of, 24, 25.
Evans, Right Hon. George, Tale of, 71-73.
Evelyn’s “Diary,” and Ham House, Weybridge, 95.
Exeter, Coins found in, 268.
Extraordinary Disappearances, 229-252.
Family Death Omens, 180-198.
Fanshaw, Lady, Strange Spectre of, 192.
Fardell, Stone at, 271.
Fatal Curses, 1-28.
Fatal Passion, 289-307.
Ferguson, Agnes, Disappearance of, 235, 236.
“Field of Forty Footsteps,” Tale of the, 128, 129.
Fielding, Beau, and Robert Perceval, 150, 151.
Flamsteed, the Astronomer, 281.
Foote, Accident to, 283.
Forrester, First Lord, 290, 291.
Foulis, Mr. Robert, 280.
Fox, George, at Armscott Manor, 96.
Freke, Sir Ralph, Daughter of, 71-73.
Furness Abbey, Romance of, 56-58.
Furvie, Curse of, 23.
Galeazzo of Mantua, Ball given by, 49.
Garnet, Father, 91, 93.
Garnett, Dr. Richard, and Skull at Bottiscombe, 30-32.
Garrick, David, and Agnes Ferguson, 235, 236.
Garswood, “Dead Hand” at, 160.
Gascoyne, Sir Crisp, 240.
Gladstone, Mr., Address on Wedgwood’s Life, 281.
Glamis Castle, Tradition relating to, 98-103.
Goblet in possession of Colonel Wilks, 201, 202.
Godwin, Earl, Edward the Confessor and, 79, 80.
Goldbridge, 26.