Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages eBook

Albert Samuel Gatschet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 22 pages of information about Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages.

Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages eBook

Albert Samuel Gatschet
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 22 pages of information about Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages.
they say. mother.
aze-hna[n]’|h[)a],| it may be | I took | but | me it habitually| . | scared
n]|[c]a[n] | said they | Grand- | bow string | the say. mother, ob.
a]-biam[a].| I took | I wished, but | me it habitually| . |said they say.| my own scared
|M[a]hi[n]|a[c]i[n]’-bi|ega[n]’    15
|  Knife   |had they say| having
o;-qtci|ah[i]-biam[a].| there | went, they say. | And | near very| arrived | they say.
] | Bad |you did. | Why | so
[n][c]ick[a]-g[)a]|h[)a],| you did| ? |Hither | come and | for me untie it | , |
| said, they  | sun  |  the  |  Rabbit
say               sub.
n]’pa-bi|ega[n]’|h[/e]be| the | there | went | notwith- |feared they| having| partly| sub. they say standing say
|[/i]he|a[c][/e]-hna[n]’-biam[/a].|K[)i]   3
|passed|went habitually  they say.| And
[/a]|man’d[)e]-[k]a[n]| rushed | went they |having | cut with they | bow string | say a knife say
|  the    |   And   | sun  |the cv.| on 
ob.                        ob.
[n]’ge|ak[/a]| high | had gone, they say. | And | Rabbit | the | sub.
| space bet.  | hair |  the  | burnt  they
the shoulders          ob.   yellow  say
[/a]nakad[/a]-bi|ega[n]’.|(Mactci[n]’ge| am[a]|ak[i]-biam[a].)|
it was hot on | having.|   (Rabbit    |the mv.|  reached home,  |
it, they say                           sub.       they say.)
|[)I]tcitci+,|[k]a[n]h[a],    6
| Itcitci+!! |grandmother,
am[a].|[T][u]cpa[c]a[n]+,| burnt to nothing very I am | -- | said, they | Grandchild!! | say.
| burnt to nothing    very  I am | I think,
for me

[/a]-biam[/a].|Ceta[n]’. said, they say.| So far.


581, 1.  Mactci[n]ge, the Rabbit, or Si[c]e-maka[n] (meaning uncertain), is the hero of numerous myths of several tribes.  He is the deliverer of mankind from different tyrants.  One of his opponents is Ictinike, the maker of this world, according to the Iowas.  The Rabbit’s grandmother is Mother Earth, who calls mankind her children.

Project Gutenberg
Illustration Of The Method Of Recording Indian Languages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.