ga[n][c][a]-biam[a].|N[i]aci[n]ga| [c]i[n]’ |[)i][n]’ta[n]| wished they say.| Person |the mv. ob.| now |
[c][/e]ga[n]-biam[/a]. | I-first | I go | will| I who, | thought they say.
Ha[n]’ega[n]c[)e]’-qtci|p[/a]ha[n]-bi |ega[n]’|a[c][/a]-biam[/a].| Morning very|arose they say|having | went they say.|
|C[)i]|[/e]gi[c]e|n[/i]kaci[n]ga| am[/a] |Again| it | person |the mv. happened sub.
am[/a].| trail | had gone, they say. | It came | he reached | to pass home they say.
| G[/a]-biam[/a]:|[k]a[n]h[/a],|w[/i]ta[n][c]i[n]|b[c][/e] 6 |Said as follows,| grand- | I-first | I go they say: mother,
a[k][/i]daxe|ct[)e]wa[n]’|n[/i]kaci[n]ga|w[/i][n]’| a[n]’aqai | I make | in spite | person | one | getting | for myself of it ahead of me
|a[c]a[/i] te a[n]’.|[K]a[n]h[/a],|u[k][/i]a[n][c]e | he has gone. | Grandmother | snare
|h[)a].|[A]ta[n]| I make| will|I who,| and | I take | will| I who | . | Why | it him
|ja[n]’|tada[n]’,|[a]-biam[a] | you | should? | said, do it they say
;ab[c][/e]|h[)a],| old woman |the | Person | I hate him | . | sub.
|[/a]-biam[/a].|K[)i]|mactci[n]’ge|a[c][a]- 9 | said, | And | rabbit | went they say.
[c][e]t[e]am[a].| they | Went they | when |again| trail | had gone. | say. say
|[K][)i]|ha[n]’|t[)e]|i[c][a]pe|ja[n]’-biam[a]. | And |night | the | waiting | lay they say. for
]-biam[a],|k[)i]|s[i]g[c]e| bow string | the | noose | he made it | and | trail | ob. they say,
|[c][e]-hna[n]|t[)e]|[)e]’di|i[c]a[n]’[c]a- | went | the | there | he put it habitually
quo;-qtci|u[k][i]a[n][c]e|[c]a[n]| they say.| It came | morning very| snare | the | to pass ob.
|gi[t]a[n]’be|ah[i]-biam[a]. |[E]gi[c]e 12 | to see |arrived they say.| It came his own to pass
uo;[c]i[n]-qtci|u[c][a]| sun |the cv.| taken | he had, | Running very| to tell| ob. they say.
a[n] |went homeward, | Grand- | what