English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about English Fairy Tales.

English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about English Fairy Tales.

So at last they came to a magnificent mansion where Dukes and Duchesses and Earls and Countesses were enjoying themselves.  Now the company, though much surprised at the strange companions, asked the girl in to supper; and the Black Bull they would have turned into the park for the night, but that the girl, remembering how well he had cared for her, asked them to put him into the stable and give him a good feed.

So this was done, and the next morning he was waiting before the hall-door for his burden; and she, though somewhat loth at leaving the fine company, mounted him cheerfully enough, and they rode away, and they rode away, and they rode away, through thick briar brakes and up fearsome cliffs.  But ever the Black Bull trod the brambles underfoot and chose the easiest paths, while she ate out of his left ear and drank out of his right, and wanted for nothing, though he had neither bite nor sup.  So it came to pass that he grew tired and was limping with one foot when, just as the sun was setting, they came to a beautiful palace where Princes and Princesses were disporting themselves with ball on the green grass.  Now, though the company greatly wondered at the strange companions, they asked the girl to join them, and ordered the grooms to lead away the Black Bull to a field.

But she, remembering all he had done for her, said, “Not so!  He will stay with me!” Then seeing a large thorn in the foot with which he had been limping, she stooped down and pulled it out.

And, lo and behold! in an instant, to every one’s surprise, there appeared, not a frightful monstrous bull, but one of the most beautiful Princes ever beheld, who fell at his deliverer’s feet, thanking her for having broken his cruel enchantment.

A wicked witch-woman who wanted to marry him had, he said, spelled him until a beautiful maiden of her own free will should do him a favour.

“But,” he said, “the danger is not all over.  You have broken the enchantment by night; that by day has yet to be overcome.”

So the next morning the Prince had to resume the form of a bull, and they set out together; and they rode, and they rode, and they rode, till they came to a dark and ugsome glen.  And here he bade her dismount and sit on a great rock.

“Here you must stay,” he said, “while I go yonder and fight the Old One.  And mind! move neither hand nor foot whilst I am away, else I shall never find you again.  If everything around you turns blue, I shall have beaten the Old One; but if everything turns red, he will have conquered me.”

And with that, and a tremendous roaring bellow, he set off to find his foe.

Well, she sate as still as a mouse, moving neither hand nor foot, nor even her eyes, and waited, and waited, and waited.  Then at last everything turned blue.  But she was so overcome with joy to think that her lover was victorious that she forgot to keep still, and lifting one of her feet, crossed it over the other!

Project Gutenberg
English Fairy Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.