English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about English Fairy Tales.

English Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 292 pages of information about English Fairy Tales.

Well!  It so happened that the very next morning a coach-and-six came swinging along the road, and in it sate an Earl who had come to ask the hand of the eldest daughter in marriage.  So there were great rejoicings over the wedding, and the bride and bridegroom drove away in the coach-and-six.

Then the next thing that happened was that a coach-and-four with a Lord in it came swinging along the road; and he wanted to marry the second daughter.  So they were wed, and there were great rejoicings, and the bride and bridegroom drove away in the coach-and-four.

Now after this there was only the youngest, the prettiest and the merriest, of the sisters left, and she became the apple of her mother’s eye.  So you may imagine how the mother felt when one morning a terrible bellowing was heard at the door, and there was a great big Black Bull waiting for his bride.

She wept and she wailed, and at first the girl ran away and hid herself in the cellar for fear, but there the Bull stood waiting, and at last the girl came up and said: 

“I promised I would be content with the Black Bull of Norroway, and I must keep my word.  Farewell, mother, you will not see me again.”

Then she mounted on the Black Bull’s back, and it walked away with her quite quietly.  And ever it chose the smoothest paths and the easiest roads, so that at last the girl grew less afraid.  But she became very hungry and was nigh to faint when the Black Bull said to her, in quite a soft voice that wasn’t a bellow at all: 

  “Eat out of my left ear,
     Drink out of my right,
   And set by what you leave
     To serve the morrow’s night.”

So she did as she was bid, and, lo and behold! the left ear was full of delicious things to eat, and the right was full of the most delicious drinks, and there was plenty left over for several days.

Thus they journeyed on, and they journeyed on, through many dreadful forests and many lonely wastes, and the Black Bull never paused for bite or sup, but ever the girl he carried ate out of his left ear and drank out of his right, and set by what she left to serve the morrow’s night.  And she slept soft and warm on his broad back.

Now at last they reached a noble castle where a large company of lords and ladies were assembled, and greatly the company wondered at the sight of these strange companions.  And they invited the girl to supper, but the Black Bull they turned into the field, and left to spend the night after his kind.

But when the next morning came, there he was ready for his burden again.  Now, though the girl was loth to leave her pleasant companions, she remembered her promise, and mounted on his back, so they journeyed on, and journeyed on, and journeyed on, through many tangled woods and over many high mountains.  And ever the Black Bull chose the smoothest paths for her and set aside the briars and brambles, while she ate out of his left ear and drank out of his right.

Project Gutenberg
English Fairy Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.