Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

Watch and Clock Escapements eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 236 pages of information about Watch and Clock Escapements.

We commence by carefully placing on the drawing-board a sheet of paper about fifteen inches square, and then vertically through the center draw the line a’ a’’.  At some convenient position on this line is established the point a, which represents the center of the escape wheel.  In this drawing it is not important that the entire escape wheel be shown, inasmuch as we have really to do with but a little over sixty degrees of the periphery of the escape wheel.  With the dividers carefully set at five inches, from a, as a center, we sweep the arc n n, and from the intersection of the perpendicular line a’ a’’ with the arc n we lay off on each side thirty degrees from the brass degree arc, and through the points thus established are drawn the radial lines a b’ and a d’.

[Illustration:  Fig. 18]

The point on the arc n where it intersects with the line b’ is termed the point b.  At the intersection of the radial line a d’ is established the point d.  We take ten and one-half degrees in the dividers, and from the point b establish the point c, which embraces the arc of the escape wheel which is utilized by the pallet action.  Through the point b the line h’ h is drawn at right angles to the line a b’.  The line j j’ is also drawn at right angles to the line a d’ through the point d.  We now have an intersection of the lines just drawn in common with the line a a’ at the point g, said point indicating the center of the pallet action.

The dividers are now set to embrace the space between the points b and g on the line h’ h, and the arc f f is swept; which, in proof of the accuracy of the work, intersects the arc n at the point d.  This arc coincides with the locking faces of both pallets.  To lay out the entrance pallet, the dividers are set to five inches, and from g as a center the short arc o o is swept.  On this arc one degree is laid off below the line h’ h, and the line g i drawn.  The space embraced between the lines h and i on the arc f represents the locking face of the entrance pallet, and the point formed at the intersection of the line g i with the arc f is called the point p.  To give the proper lock to the face of the pallet, from the point p as a center is swept the short arc r r, and from its intersection with the line a b’ twelve degrees are laid off and the line b s drawn, which defines the locking face of the entrance pallet.  From g as a center is swept the arc c’ c’, intersecting the arc n n at c.  On this arc (c) is located the inner angle of the entrance pallet.  The dividers are set to embrace the space on the arc c’ between the lines g h’ and g k.  With

Project Gutenberg
Watch and Clock Escapements from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.