Atmospheric disturbances, 74
Attainment of isochronism, 159
Balance, how it controls timekeeping,
Weight and inertia of, 133
Balance spring, inventor of, 132
Banking slot of cylinder, 112
Bankings, effect of opening too wide, 63
Bar compasses, 21
Barometric pressure, 74
Basis for close measurements, 96
Cement chuck, how to use, 173
Chronometer detent, importance of light construction, 136
Chronometer escapement, 131, 155
Four principal parts of, 134
Circular pallets, 27
Club-tooth escapement, 30, 34
Club-tooth lever escapement with circular
pallets and
tangential lockings, 83
Crown-wheel escapement, 155
Cylinder, drawing a, 120
Outer diameter of, 116
Putting in a new, 169
Cylinder escapement, 155
Date of invention, etc.,
Forms and proportions of several
parts of, 111
Names of various parts, 112
Cylinder lips, proper shape of, 124
Dead-beat escapement, 131, 135
Only one true, 112
Depth, between cylinder and escape wheel,
Effect of changing, 176
Designing a double roller, 77
Detached escapement, 155
Detent, functions of the, 137
Detent escapement, 131, 155
Faults in, 132
Detent spring dimensions, 138
Detent springs, width of, 147
Discharging jewel, setting the, 142
Discharging roller, 136
Dividers, 9
Making, 10
Double pendulum, 160
Double-roller escapement, 75
Draw defined, 85
Drawing-board, 11
Drawing instruments, 9
Drawings, advantage of large, 29
Drop and draw, 150
Duplex escapement, 131, 155
Elasticity of spring, 133
Engaging friction, 81
English recoil anchor, 167
Entrance lip of cylinder escapement, 125
Escapement angles, measuring, 101
Escapement error, study of, 64
Escapement matching tool, 106
Escapement model, 40
Balance, 42
Balance staff, 44
Bridges, 41, 42
Escape wheel, 43
Extra balance cock, 45
“Frosting”, 46
Hairspring, 42
Jewel for, 43
Lower plate, 41
Main plate, 41
Movement for, 41
Pallet staff, 42
Pillars, 43
Regulator, 46
Uses of, 44
Wood base for, 41
Escapements compared, 103
Escapement of Dutertre, 160
Escape-wheel action, 30
Escape-wheel, delineating an, 11