The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I eBook

Burton J. Hendrick
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 482 pages of information about The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I.

The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I eBook

Burton J. Hendrick
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 482 pages of information about The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I.
speaking of it as a problem that would come up next week.  And there was also much unofficial talk about joint intervention.
Well, they’ve followed a long way.  They apologized for Carden (that’s what the Prime Minister’s speech was); they ordered him to be more prudent.  Then the real meaning of concessions began to get into their heads.  They took up the dangers that lurked in the Government’s contract with Cowdray for oil; and they pulled Cowdray out of Colombia and Nicaragua—­granting the application of the Monroe Doctrine to concessions that might imperil a country’s autonomy.  Then Sir Edward asked me if you would not consult him about such concessions—­a long way had been travelled since his other question!  Lord Haldane made the Thanksgiving speech that I suggested to him.  And now they have transferred Carden.  They’ve done all we asked and more; and, more wonderful yet, they’ve come to understand what we are driving at.

     As this poor world goes, all this seems to me rather handsomely
     done.  At any rate, it’s square and it’s friendly.

     Now in diplomacy, as in other contests, there must be give and
     take; it’s our turn.

If you see your way clear, it would help the Liberal Government (which needs help) and would be much appreciated if, before February 10th, when Parliament meets, you could say a public word friendly to our keeping the Hay-Pauncefote Treaty—­on the tolls.  You only, of course, can judge whether you would be justified in doing so.  I presume only to assure you of the most excellent effect it would have here.  If you will pardon me for taking a personal view of it, too, I will say that such an expression would cap the climax of the enormously heightened esteem and great respect in which recent events and achievements have caused you to be held here.  It would put the English of all parties in the happiest possible mood toward you for whatever subsequent dealings may await us.  It was as friendly a man as Kipling who said to me the night I spent with him:  “You know your great Government, which does many great things greatly, does not lie awake o’ nights to keep its promises.”

     It’s our turn next, whenever you see your way clear.

     Most heartily yours,


     From Edward M. House

     145 East 35th Street,

     New York City.

     January 24, 1914.

     DEAR PAGE: 

     I was with the President for twenty-four hours and we went over
     everything thoroughly.

He decided to call the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations to the White House on Monday and tell them of his intentions regarding Panama tolls.  We discussed whether it would be better to see some of them individually, or to take them collectively.  It was agreed that the latter course was better.  It was decided, however, to have Senator Jones poll the Senate in order to find just how it stood before getting the Committee together.  The reason for this quick action was in response to your letter urging that something be done before the 10th of February. . . .

     Faithfully yours,

Project Gutenberg
The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page, Volume I from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.