=4.= =Imposing Tables and Lock-up Appliances= By A.A. Stewart
Describing the tools
and materials used in locking up forms for the
press, including some
modern utilities for special purposes. 59
pp.; illustrated; 70
review questions; glossary.
=5.= =Proof Presses= By A.A. Stewart
A primer of information
about the customary methods and machines
for taking printers’
proofs. 40 pp.; illustrated; 41 review
questions; glossary.
=6.= =Platen Printing Presses= By Daniel Baker
A primer of information regarding the history and mechanical construction of platen printing presses, from the original hand press to the modern job press, to which is added a chapter on automatic presses of small size. 51 pp.; illustrated; 49 review questions; glossary.
=7.= =Cylinder Printing Presses= By Herbert L. Baker
Being a study of the
mechanism and operation of the principal types
of cylinder printing
machines. 64 pp.; illustrated; 47 review
questions; glossary.
=8.= =Mechanical Feeders and Folders= By William E. Spurrier
The history and operation
of modern feeding and folding machines;
with hints on their
care and adjustments. Illustrated; review
questions; glossary.
=9.= =Power for Machinery in Printing Houses= By Carl F. Scott
A treatise on the methods
of applying power to printing presses and
allied machinery with
particular reference to electric drive. 53
pp.; illustrated; 69
review questions; glossary.
=10.= =Paper Cutting Machines= By Niel Gray, Jr.
A primer of information
about paper and card trimmers, hand-lever
cutters, power cutters,
and other automatic machines for cutting
paper, 70 pp.; illustrated;
115 review questions; glossary.
=11.= =Printers’ Rollers= By A.A. Stewart
A primer of information
about the composition, manufacture, and
care of inking rollers.
46 pp.; illustrated; 61 review questions;
=12.= =Printing Inks= By Philip Ruxton
Their composition, properties and manufacture (reprinted by permission from Circular No. 53, United States Bureau of Standards); together with some helpful suggestions about the everyday use of printing inks by Philip Ruxton. 80 pp.; 100 review questions; glossary.
=13.= =How Paper is Made= By William Bond Wheelwright
A primer of information
about the materials and processes of
manufacturing paper
for printing and writing. 68 pp.; illustrated;
62 review questions;