Division of Words eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 38 pages of information about Division of Words.

Division of Words eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 38 pages of information about Division of Words.


I The general rule, then, is to divide according to pronunciation, not according to etymology or any hard and fast rule.

     As far as possible, consistently with pronunciation and good
     spacing, divide according to meaning and derivation, where known.

     un-even, not une-ven, auto-mobile, not automo-bile,
     en-abled, not ena-bled.

II Divide on a vowel wherever practicable.  In case a vowel alone forms a syllable in the middle of a word it should be run into the first line.

busi-ness sepa-rate criti-cism particu-lar colo-nies dou-ble pro-gress pro-duct noi-sy wo-man pa-tron me-moir

III When two consonants meet between vowels, and the syllable ends on one consonant, the division may properly be made between the consonants, the pronunciation determining the place of division.

advan-tage plain-tiff Wil-liam exces-sive scur-rilous mas-ter gram-mar profes-sor moun-tain

IV When three consonants come together between two vowels the first of which is short, the division comes after the first consonant.

han-dle chil-dren frus-trate

V A single consonant between two vowels should be joined to the first vowel, if it is short; if the first vowel is long the consonant goes with the second.

riv-er ri-val

VI Diphthongs should not be divided.

peo-ple Cae-sar

VII Words compounded with a prefix should preferably be divided on the prefix.

dis-avow in-herit un-concern

VIII The terminations _-able_, _-ible_, _-tion_, _-cial_, _-tive_, and _-ive_ should go over to the next line.

read-able convert-ible inten-tion discuss-ion

     The termination _-sion_ ordinarily goes over as in

occa-sion apprehen-sion cis-sion declen-sion

     Occasionally, however, the strong emphasis needed for the s will
     call for a different arrangement, as in divis-ion.

IX The terminations _-ing_, _-en_, _-ed_, _-er_, _-est_, and the plural _-es_ go over to the next line except when the preceding consonant is doubled, or when they follow c or g soft.

lead-ing beat-en larg-er, but lat-ter for-cing ran-ging

X Do not end a line with j or with c or g soft.

pro-cess ne-cessary pre-judice prog-eny

XI Adjectives in ical divide on the i.

physi-cal inimi-cal

Project Gutenberg
Division of Words from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.