The principal authority for material on Joseph Brant is William L. Stone’s Life of Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea), 2 vols. (1838). This includes an account of the border wars of the American Revolution and sketches of the Indian campaigns of Generals Harmar, St Clair, and Wayne. A brief biography entitled Memoir of Captain Joseph Brant, ‘compiled from authentic records,’ was published anonymously in Brantford in 1872. History of Brant County (1883), Part II, pages 85-149, is devoted almost exclusively to Brant and his family. Samuel G. Drake’s Biography and History of the Indians of North America from its First Discovery has one chapter (pp. 577-93) given exclusively to Brant. The chapter in the same work dealing with Red Jacket will also be found of interest to the student of Brant’s career. William L. Stone, Jr.’s Life and Times of Sir William Johnson, 2 vols. (1865), contains much valuable information regarding the events which shaped the early career of Brant. B. B. Thatcher in his Indian Biography, 2 vols., dismisses Brant with an unsympathetic and prejudiced paragraph, but several of his chapters, particularly the one dealing with Red Jacket, throw much light on the struggles in which Brant took part.
Other works which contain much material relating to Joseph Brant are Mrs Holden’s The Brant Family; Eleazar Wheelock’s Narrative of the Original Design, Rise, Progress and Present State of the Indian Charity-School at Lebanon, In Connecticut (1763); William V. Moore’s Indian Wars of the United States; Jean N. McIlwraith’s Sir Frederick Haldimand, and A. G. Bradley’s Lord Dorchester in the ‘Makers of Canada’ series; Lewis H. Morgan’s League of the Ho-de-no-sau-nee, or Iroquois; E. M. Chadwick’s The People of the Long House; Documents relating to the Constitutional History of Canada, 1759-1791, selected and edited by Adam Shortt and Arthur G. Doughty; Haldimand Papers, January 1779 to March 1783, copies of which are in the Dominion Archives; Handbook of Canadian Indians, edited by James White, F.R.G.S.
See also in this Series: The Dawn of Canadian History; The Father of British Canada; The War Chief of the Ottawas; Tecumseh.