nor will you find the Kingdom of God. The wise
men say, you shall not kill. I say, you shall
not get angry, or be contemptuous. He who grows
angry and censorious shall himself be judged.
Your pious gifts are of no avail if you live at enmity
with your neighbour. In the law of the sages
it is written, you shall not commit adultery.
I say, you shall not even think of breaking your
marriage vows. Rather should you become blind
than let your eye desire your neighbour’s wife.
Better lose your sight than your purity. Rather
cut off your hand than reach it after your neighbour’s
goods. Better lose your strength than your virtue.
It is said in the Law, you shall not swear falsely.
I say, you shall not swear at all, either by God,
or by your soul, or by your child. Yes or no,
that is enough. Now say whether I change the
laws. Rather do I desire the strictest obedience
to them. But there are laws which I do change.
Listen; An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
I say you shall not treat your adversary in a hostile
fashion. What you can in justice do for yourself,
that do, but go no farther; it is a thousand times
better to suffer wrong than to do wrong. Overcome
your enemy with kindness. If any one smites
you on the right cheek, keep your temper and offer
him the left. Maybe that will disarm his wrath.
If any one tears off your coat ask him kindly if
he would not like the undergarment too? Perhaps
he will be ashamed of his greediness. If any
asks you for something that you can grant, do not refuse
him, and if you have two coats give one to him who
has none. In the law of the sages it is said:
Love your neighbour; hate your enemy. That is
false. For it is easy enough to love them that
love you, and hate them that hate you. The godless
can manage so much. I tell you, love your neighbour,
and also love your enemy. Listen, my brothers,
and declare it throughout the whole world what I now
say to you: Love your enemies, do good to them
that hate you.”
He stopped, and a stir went through the assembly.
Words had been spoken the like of which had not before
been heard in the world. A holy inspiration,
as it were, entered the universe at that hour such
as had not been felt since the creation.
Jesus continued speaking: “Do good to those
who hate you; that is how God acts towards men, even
when they mock at him. Try to imitate the Father
in heaven in all things. What good ye do, do
it for the sake of God, not for the sake of men.
Therefore the second commandment is as important
as the first. Love God more than everything,
and your neighbour as yourself. But you shall
not boast of your good works. When you give alms,
do it secretly, and speak not of it, so that the left
hand knows not what the right hand doeth. If
you do not give up the goods of this world, you will
not attain to the Kingdom of Heaven. If you fast,
do not wear a sad face. Be cheerful; what matters