I.N.R.I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 331 pages of information about I.N.R.I..

I.N.R.I. eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 331 pages of information about I.N.R.I..

And Jesus stood on the summit of the mountain.  As if all men were turned to stone at sight of Him, a silence and stillness now took the place of the subdued murmur of the crowd.  He stood in His long, light-coloured gown, like a white pillar against the blue sky.  His left hand hung motionless by His side, the right was pressed against His heart.  He began to speak softly, but clearly.  Not in the even tone of a preacher, but quickly and eagerly, often hesitating a moment while collecting His thoughts for a pregnant saying.  It was not as if He had thought out His speech beforehand, or learned it out of books.  What His own individual temperament had originated, what time had matured in Him, He poured forth in the rush of the Holy Spirit.

“I am sent to make appeal to you.  I come to all, but especially to the poor.  I come to the afflicted, to the distressed, to the sick, to the imprisoned, to the cast down.  I come with glad tidings from the Heavenly Father.”

After this introduction He, in His humility, looked out into the great world of Nature, as if she would supply Him with words.  But Nature was silent; indeed, at that hour, all creatures were silent and listened.

Then Jesus lifted His eyes to the crowd, and began to speak as men had never heard any one speak before.

“Brothers!  Rejoice!  Again I say, Rejoice!  A good Father lives in heaven.  His presence is everywhere, His power is boundless, and we are His children whom He loves.  He makes His sun to shine over all; He overlooks no one.  He sees into the dark recesses of all hearts, and no one can move a hair’s breadth without His consent.  He places freely before men happiness and eternal life.  Listen to what I say to you in His name: 

“All ye children of men who seek salvation, come to Me.  I bless the poor, for no earthly burden can keep them from the Kingdom of Heaven.  I bless the suffering, the afflicted, disappointed—­abandoned by the world they take refuge in life in God.  I bless the kind-hearted and the peace-loving.  Their hearts are not troubled with hate and guilt; they live as happy children of God.  I bless those who love justice, for they are God’s companions, and shall find justice.  I bless the pure in heart.  No bewildering desire obscures the face of God from them.  I bless the merciful.  Sympathetic love gives strength, brings compassion where it is needed.  And blessed, thrice blessed, are you who suffer persecution for the sake of righteousness.  Yours is the Kingdom of Heaven.  Rejoice and be glad, all of you—­no eye hath yet seen, no ear hath yet heard the joys that are laid up for you in heaven.  Now hear My mission.  Many say I wish to change the old laws.  That is not so.  I come to fulfil the old laws, but according to the spirit, not according to the letter.  The learned men who preach in the synagogues fulfil it according to the letter, and desire to guide the people; but if you do as they, you will not be righteous,

Project Gutenberg
I.N.R.I. from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.