Prayers and Meditations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Prayers and Meditations.

Prayers and Meditations eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 301 pages of information about Prayers and Meditations.

LVII:  “God testifieth to the unity of His Godhood and to...”

God testifieth to the unity of His Godhood and to the singleness of His own Being.  On the throne of eternity, from the inaccessible heights of His station, His tongue proclaimeth that there is none other God but Him.  He Himself, independently of all else, hath ever been a witness unto His own oneness, the revealer of His own nature, the glorifier of His own essence.  He, verily, is the All-Powerful, the Almighty, the Beauteous.

He is supreme over His servants, and standeth over His creatures.  In His hand is the source of authority and truth.  He maketh men alive by His signs, and causeth them to die through His wrath.  He shall not be asked of His doings and His might is equal unto all things.  He is the Potent, the All-Subduing.  He holdeth within His grasp the empire of all things, and on His right hand is fixed the Kingdom of His Revelation.  His power, verily, embraceth the whole of creation.  Victory and overlordship are His; all might and dominion are His; all glory and greatness are His.  He, of a truth, is the All-Glorious, the Most Powerful, the Unconditioned.

LVIII:  “Praise be to Thee, to Whom the tongues of all...”

Praise be to Thee, to Whom the tongues of all created things have, from eternity, called, and yet failed to attain the heaven of Thine eternal holiness and grandeur.  The eyes of all beings have been opened to behold the beauty of Thy radiant countenance, yet none hath succeeded in gazing on the brightness of the light of Thy face.  The hands of them that are nigh unto Thee have, ever since the foundation of Thy glorious sovereignty and the establishment of Thy holy dominion, been raised suppliantly towards Thee, yet no one hath been able to touch the hem of the robe that clotheth Thy Divine and sovereign Essence.  And yet none can deny that Thou hast ever been, through the wonders of Thy generosity and bounty, supreme over all things, art powerful to do all things, and art nearer unto all things than they are unto themselves.

Far be it, then, from Thy glory that anyone should gaze on Thy wondrous beauty with any eye save Thine own eye, or hear the melodies proclaiming Thine almighty sovereignty with any ear except Thine own ear.  Too high art Thou exalted for the eye of any creature to behold Thy beauty, or for the understanding of any heart to scale the heights of Thine immeasurable knowledge.  For should the birds of the hearts of them that are nigh unto Thee be ever enabled to soar as long as Thine own overpowering sovereignty can endure, or to ascend as long as the empire of Thy Divine holiness can last, they shall, in no wise, be able to transcend the limitations which a contingent world hath imposed upon them, nor pass beyond its confines.  How, then, can he whose very creation is restricted by such limitations, attain unto Him Who is the Lord of the Kingdom of all created things, or ascend into the heaven of Him Who ruleth the realms of loftiness and grandeur?

Project Gutenberg
Prayers and Meditations from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.