The Kitáb-i-Íqán eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about The Kitáb-i-Íqán.

The Kitáb-i-Íqán eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about The Kitáb-i-Íqán.
essential for the comprehension of the mystery of the “Mi’raj”.  We gathered from his statements that unless a man be deeply versed in them all, he can never attain to a proper understanding of this transcendent and exalted theme.  Among the specified sciences were the science of metaphysical abstractions, of alchemy, and natural magic.  Such vain and discarded learnings, this man hath regarded as the pre-requisites of the understanding of the sacred and abiding mysteries of divine Knowledge.

Gracious God!  Such is the measure of his understanding.  And yet, behold what cavils and calumnies he hath heaped upon those Embodiments of God’s infinite knowledge!  How well and true is the saying:  “Flingest thou thy calumnies unto the face of Them Whom the one true God hath made the Trustees of the treasures of His seventh sphere?” Not one understanding heart or mind, not one among the wise and learned, hath taken notice of these preposterous statements.  And yet, how clear and evident it is to every discerning heart that this so-called learning is and hath ever been, rejected by Him Who is the one true God.  How can the knowledge of these sciences, which are so contemptible in the eyes of the truly learned, be regarded as essential to the apprehension of the mysteries of the “Mi’raj,” whilst the Lord of the “Mi’raj” Himself was never burdened with a single letter of these limited and obscure learnings, and never defiled His radiant heart with any of these fanciful illusions?  How truly hath he said:  “All human attainment moveth upon a lame ass, whilst Truth, riding upon the wind, darteth across space.”  By the righteousness of God!  Whoso desireth to fathom the mystery of this “Mi’raj,” and craveth a drop from this ocean, if the mirror of his heart be already obscured by the dust of these learnings, he must needs cleanse and purify it ere the light of this mystery can be reflected therein.

In this day, they that are submerged beneath the ocean of ancient Knowledge, and dwell within the ark of divine wisdom, forbid the people such idle pursuits.  Their shining breasts are, praise be to God, sanctified from every trace of such learning, and are exalted above such grievous veils.  We have consumed this densest of all veils, with the fire of the love of the Beloved—­the veil referred to in the saying:  “The most grievous of all veils is the veil of knowledge.”  Upon its ashes, We have reared the tabernacle of divine knowledge.  We have, praise be to God, burned the “veils of glory” with the fire of the beauty of the Best-Beloved.  We have driven from the human heart all else but Him Who is the Desire of the world, and glory therein.  We cleave to no knowledge but His Knowledge, and set our hearts on naught save the effulgent glories of His light.

We were surprised exceedingly when We observed that his one purpose was to make the people realize that all these learnings were possessed by him.  And yet, I swear by God that not one breath, blowing from the meads of divine knowledge, hath ever been wafted upon his soul, nor hath he ever unravelled a single mystery of ancient wisdom.  Nay, were the meaning of Knowledge ever to be expounded unto him, dismay would fill his heart, and his whole being would shake to its foundation.  Notwithstanding his base and senseless statements, behold to what heights of extravagance his claims have reached!

Project Gutenberg
The Kitáb-i-Íqán from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.