The Kitáb-i-Íqán eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about The Kitáb-i-Íqán.

The Kitáb-i-Íqán eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 184 pages of information about The Kitáb-i-Íqán.

And it came to pass that on a certain day a needy man came to visit this Soul, craving for the ocean of His knowledge.  While conversing with him, mention was made concerning the signs of the Day of Judgment, Resurrection, Revival, and Reckoning.  He urged Us to explain how, in this wondrous Dispensation, the peoples of the world were brought to a reckoning, when none were made aware of it.  Thereupon, We imparted unto him, according to the measure of his capacity and understanding, certain truths of Science and ancient Wisdom.  We then asked him saying:  “Hast thou not read the Qur’an, and art thou not aware of this blessed verse:  ’On that day shall neither man nor spirit be asked of his Sin?’(127) Dost thou not realize that by ‘asking’ is not meant asking by tongue or speech, even as the verse itself doth indicate and prove?  For afterward it is said:  ’By their countenance shall the sinners be known, and they shall be seized by their forelocks and their feet.’"(128)

Thus the peoples of the world are judged by their countenance.  By it, their misbelief, their faith, and their iniquity are all made manifest.  Even as it is evident in this day how the people of error are, by their countenance, known and distinguished from the followers of divine Guidance.  Were these people, wholly for the sake of God and with no desire but His good-pleasure, to ponder the verses of the Book in their heart, they would of a certainty find whatsoever they seek.  In its verses would they find revealed and manifest all the things, be they great or small, that have come to pass in this Dispensation.  They would even recognize in them references unto the departure of the Manifestations of the names and attributes of God from out their native land; to the opposition and disdainful arrogance of government and people; and to the dwelling and establishment of the Universal Manifestation in an appointed and specially designated land.  No man, however, can comprehend this except he who is possessed of an understanding heart.

We seal Our theme with that which was formerly revealed unto Muhammad that the seal thereof may shed the fragrance of that holy musk which leadeth men unto the Ridvan of unfading splendour.  He said, and His Word is the truth:  “And God calleth to the Abode of Peace;(129) and He guideth whom He will into the right way."(130) “For them is an Abode of Peace with their Lord! and He shall be their Protector because of their works."(131) This He hath revealed that His grace may encompass the world.  Praise be to God, the Lord of all being!

We have variously and repeatedly set forth the meaning of every theme, that perchance every soul, whether high or low, may obtain, according to his measure and capacity, his share and portion thereof.  Should he be unable to comprehend a certain argument, he may, thus, by referring unto another, attain his purpose.  “That all sorts of men may know where to quench their thirst.”

Project Gutenberg
The Kitáb-i-Íqán from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.