Old Peter's Russian Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Old Peter's Russian Tales.

Old Peter's Russian Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Old Peter's Russian Tales.

And the giant set to work again, pulling up the great trees and throwing them aside.  The sky was full of flying trees.

Little Prince Ivan cried bitterly, for he was very little and was all alone.  He rode on further over the wide world, the black horse galloping and galloping under the tall trees, and throwing clods of earth from his thundering hoofs.

He came among the mountains.  And there was a roaring and a crashing in the mountains as if the earth was falling to pieces.  One after another whole mountains were lifted up into the sky and flung down to earth, so that they broke and scattered into dust.  And the big black horse galloped through the mountains, and little Prince Ivan sat bravely on his back.  And there, close before him, was the huge giant Mountain-tosser, picking up the mountains like pebbles and hurling them to little pieces and dust upon the ground.

“This must be the end of the world,” thought the little Prince; “and at any rate I should be safe with him.”

“Please, great giant,” says he, “is this the end of the world?  And may I live with you and be safe from my sister, who is a witch, and has iron teeth, and grows like a seed of corn?”

“Prince Ivan, my dear,” says Mountain-tosser, resting for a moment and dusting the rocks off his great hands, “this is not the end of the world, and little good would it be to you to stay with me.  For as soon as I have picked up all these mountains and thrown them down again I shall die, and then where would you be?  Your sister would have you in a minute.  And there are not very many mountains left.”

And the giant set to work again, lifting up the great mountains and hurling them away.  The sky was full of flying mountains.

Little Prince Ivan wept bitterly, for he was very little and was all alone.  He rode on further over the wide world, the black horse galloping and galloping along the mountain paths, and throwing the stones from his thundering hoofs.

At last he came to the end of the world, and there, hanging in the sky above him, was the castle of the little sister of the Sun.  Beautiful it was, made of cloud, and hanging in the sky, as if it were built of red roses.

“I should be safe up there,” thought little Prince Ivan, and just then the Sun’s little sister opened the window and beckoned to him.

Prince Ivan patted the big black horse and whispered to it, and it leapt up high into the air and through the window, into the very courtyard of the castle.

“Stay here and play with me,” said the little sister of the Sun; and Prince Ivan tumbled off the big black horse into her arms, and laughed because he was so happy.

Merry and pretty was the Sun’s little sister, and she was very kind to little Prince Ivan.  They played games together, and when she was tired she let him do whatever he liked and run about her castle.  This way and that he ran about the battlements of rosy cloud, hanging in the sky over the end of the world.

Project Gutenberg
Old Peter's Russian Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.