Old Peter's Russian Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Old Peter's Russian Tales.

Old Peter's Russian Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 252 pages of information about Old Peter's Russian Tales.

The little old man, one yard high, with a beard seven yards long, began to pray and to beg,—­

“O man of power, O great and mighty bogatir, have mercy upon me.  Do not kill me.  Leave me my soul to repent with.”

Sunrise laughed, and dragged the little fellow out into the yard, whirled him round at the end of his beard, and brought him to a great oak trunk that lay on the ground.  Then with a heavy iron wedge he fixed the end of the little man’s beard firmly in the oaken trunk, and, leaving the little man howling and lamenting, went back to the hut, set it in order again, saw that the sheep was cooking as it should, and then lay down in peace to wait for the coming of his brothers.

Evening and Midnight rode home, leapt from their horses, and came into the hut to see how the little man had dealt with their brother.  They could hardly believe their eyes when they saw him alive and well, without a bruise, lying comfortably on the bench.

He sat up and laughed in their faces.

“Well, brothers,” says he, “come along with me into the yard, and I think I can show you that headache of yours.  It’s a good deal stronger than it is big, but for the time being you need not be afraid of it, for it’s fastened to an oak timber that all three of us together could not lift.”

He got up and went into the yard.  Evening and Midnight followed him with shamed faces.  But when they came to the oaken timber the little man was not there.  Long ago he had torn himself free and run away into the forest.  But half his beard was left, wedged in the trunk, and Sunrise pointed to that and said,—­

“Tell me, brothers, was it the heat of the stove that gave you your headaches?  Or had this long beard something to do with it?”

The brothers grew red, and laughed, and told him the whole truth.

Meanwhile Sunrise had been looking at the end of the beard, the end of the half beard that was left, and he saw that it had been torn out by the roots, and that drops of blood from the little man’s chin showed the way he had gone.

Quickly the brothers went back to the hut and ate up the sheep.  Then they leapt on their horses, and rode off into the green forest, following the drops of blood that had fallen from the little man’s chin.  For three days they rode through the green forest, until at last the red drops of the trail led them to a deep pit, a black hole in the earth, hidden by thick bushes and going far down into the underworld.

Sunrise left his brothers to guard the hole, while he went off into the forest and gathered bast, and twisted it, and made a strong rope, and brought it to the mouth of the pit, and asked his brothers to lower him down.

He made a loop in the rope.  His brothers kissed him on both cheeks, and he kissed them back.  Then he sat in the loop, and Evening and Midnight lowered him down into the darkness.  Down and down he went, swinging in the dark, till he came into a world under the world, with a light that was neither that of the sun, nor of the moon, nor of the stars.  He stepped from the loop in the rope of twisted bast, and set out walking through the underworld, going whither his eyes led him, for he found no more drops of blood, nor any other traces of the little old man.

Project Gutenberg
Old Peter's Russian Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.