The Haunted House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Haunted House.

The Haunted House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Haunted House.

In person Esther is of low stature and rather inclined to be stout; her hair is curly, of a dark brown color, and is now short, reaching only to her shoulders; her eyes are large and grey, with a bluish tinge, and an earnest expression which seems to say, “why do you stare at me so; I can not help it if I am not like other people.”  Her eye-brows and eye-lashes are dark and well marked, that is to say, the lashes are long and the eye-brows very distinct.  Her face is what can be called round, with well shaped features; she has remarkably handsome teeth, and a pale complexion.  Her hands and feet are small and well shaped, and although inclined to be stout, she is fond of work, and is a great help to her sister Olive, although she sometimes requires a little urging.

Although Esther is not possessed of the beauty that Jane is famous for, still there is something earnest, honest and attractive about this simple-hearted village maiden, that wins for her lots of friends of about her own age; in fact, she is quite in demand among the little children of the neighborhood also, who are ever ready to have a romp and a game with Ester, as they all call her.  The truth is, a great many of the grown up inhabitants of the village call her Ester also, dropping the h entirely, a habit common in Nova Scotia.

Esther’s disposition is naturally mild and gentle.  She can at times, however, be very self-willed, and is bound to have her own way when her mind is made up.  If asked to do anything she does not feel like doing she becomes very sulky and has to be humored at times to keep peace in the family.  However, all things considered, she is a good little girl and has always borne a good reputation in every sense of the word.

There are two more boarders in the little cottage, who require a passing notice.  They are William Cox and John Teed.  William is the brother of Olive, Jane, and Esther, and is a shoemaker by trade, and one of Dan’s workmen in the factory.

The other boarder, John Teed, is Dan’s brother.  John, like his brother, is an honest, hard working young man, has been raised a farmer, an occupation he still follows when not boarding with Dan in Amherst.

As the reader may, perhaps, be anxious to know how Dan, good, honest hard working Dan, and, his thrifty little wife Olive, look, I will endeavor to give a short description of each.  So here goes.  Dan is about thirty-five years old, and stands five feet eight in his stockings.  He has light brown hair, rather thin on top, a well shaped head, blue eyes, well defined features, a high nose, and wears a heavy moustache and bushy side whiskers; his complexion is florid; rheumatism of several years standing has given him a slight halt in the left leg.  He does his work, spends his salary as he should, and leads a Christian life, has a pew in the Wesleyan Church of which Rev. R.A.  Temple is pastor, belongs to a temperance society, and, I dare say, when he dies

Project Gutenberg
The Haunted House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.