The Haunted House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Haunted House.

The Haunted House eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 65 pages of information about The Haunted House.

The next evening the Doctor called and remained for about an hour, but as nothing occurred he departed feeling rather disappointed.  For the next three weeks no one could tell when the manifestations would take place.  Sometimes they would commence in the morning and continue all day, and at other times they would only take place after Esther had retired.  It had now become a settled fact that Esther must be in the house or there would be no manifestations of any kind.  They never occurred during her absence.

About one month after the commencement of the manifestations, Dr. Edwin Clay, the well known Baptist clergyman, called at the house to behold the wonders with his own eyes.  He had read some little account of them in the newspapers, but was desirious of seeing and hearing for himself, not taking much stock, as the saying is, in what other people told him about the affair.  However, he was fortunate enough to have his desire fully gratified.  He heard the loudest kind of knocks, in answer to his various questions, saw the mysterious writing on the wall, and left the house fully satisfied that Esther did not produce any of the manifestations herself, and that the family did not assist her as some people believed.  He, however, was of the opinion that through the shock her system had received the night she went riding, she had become in some mysterious manner an electric battery.  His theory being, that invisible flashes of lightening left her person, and that the knocks which every body could hear distinctly, were simply minute claps of thunder.  He lectured on his theory, and drew large audiences as he always does, no matter what the subject is.  Perfectly satisfied that the manifestations are genuine, he has nobly defended Esther Cox from the platform and the pulpit.

Rev. R.A.  Temple, the well known Wesleyan minister pastor of the Wesleyan Church in Amherst, has witnessed some of the manifestations.  He saw, among other strange things, a bucket of cold water become agitated, and to all appearances boil, while standing on the kitchen table.

As soon as people in the village found that such eminent men as Dr. Clay, Dr. Caritte and Rev. Dr. Temple took an interest in the case, it became quite fashionable for people in the village to call at Dan’s little cottage to see Esther Cox and witness the wonderful manifestations.  While the house was filled with visitors, large crowds often stood outside unable to gain admittance.  On several occasions the village police force had to be called out to keep order, so anxious were people to see and hear for themselves.

Many believed and still believe the whole affair a fraud, and others say that Esther mesmerizes people, and they think they hear and see things which never have an existence.  Dr. Nathan Tupper is of this belief, although he has never witnessed a single manifestation.

Project Gutenberg
The Haunted House from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.