Shakespearean Tragedy eBook

Andrew Cecil Bradley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 637 pages of information about Shakespearean Tragedy.

Shakespearean Tragedy eBook

Andrew Cecil Bradley
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 637 pages of information about Shakespearean Tragedy.

THE SATURDAY REVIEW.—­“Here we find a model of what a commentary on a great work should be, every page instinct with thoughtfulness; complete sympathy and appreciation; the most reverent care shown in the attempted interpretation of passages whose meaning to a large degree evades, and will always evade, readers of ‘In Memoriam.’  It is clear to us that Mr. Bradley has devoted long time and thought to his work, and that he has published the result of his labours simply to help those who, like himself, have been and are in difficulties as to the drift of various passages.  He is not of course the first who has addressed himself to the interpretation of ’In Memoriam’—­in this spirit ... but Mr. Bradley’s commentary is sure to take rank as the most searching and scholarly of any.”

THE PILOT.—­“In re-studying ‘In Memoriam’ with Dr. Bradley’s aid, we have found his interpretation helpful in numerous passages.  The notes are prefaced by a long introduction dealing with the origin, composition, and structure of the poem, the ideas used in it, the metre and the debt to other poems.  All of these are good, but more interesting than any of them is a section entitled, ‘The Way of the Soul,’ reviewing the spiritual experience which ‘In Memoriam’ records.  This is quite admirable throughout, and proves conclusively that Dr. Bradley’s keen desire to fathom the exact meaning of every phrase has only quickened his appreciation of the poem as a whole.”


Project Gutenberg
Shakespearean Tragedy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.