Wage Earning and Education eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 151 pages of information about Wage Earning and Education.

Wage Earning and Education eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 151 pages of information about Wage Earning and Education.

18.  Proportions and estimated numbers employed in machine
      tool occupations, 1915 161

19.  Average, highest, and lowest earnings, in cents per
      hour, and per cent employed on piece work and day
      work, 1915 162

20.  Estimated time required to learn machine tool work 164

21.  Average earnings per hour in pattern making, molding,
      core making, blacksmithing, and boiler making 166

22.  Estimated number of men engaged in building trades,
      1915 174

23.  Union regulations as to entering age of apprentice 175

24.  Union regulations as to length of apprenticeship
      period 175

25.  Union scale of wages in cents per hour, May 1, 1915 177

26.  Usual weekly wages of apprentices in three building
      trades 178

27.  Average daily earnings of job and newspaper composing
      room workers, 1915 199

28.  Average daily earnings of pressroom workers, 1915 202

29.  Average daily earnings of bindery workers, 1915 203

30.  Average daily earnings in photoengraving, stereotyping,
      electrotyping, and lithographing occupations, 1915 205


DIAGRAM PAGE 1.  Boys and girls under 18 years of age in office work 103

 2.  Men and women 18 years of age and over in clerical
      and administrative work in offices 104

 3.  Per cent of women earning each class of weekly wages
      in each of six occupations 119

 4.  Per cent of salesmen and of men clerical workers in
      stores, receiving each class of weekly wage 121

 5.  Per cent of male workers in non-clerical positions in
      six industries earning $18 per week and over 122

 6.  Per cent that the average number of women employed
      during the year is of the highest number employed
      in each of six industries 123

 7.  Distribution of 8,337 clothing workers by sex in the
      principal occupations in the garment industry 134

 8.  Percentage of women in men’s and women’s clothing and
      seven other important women employing industries
      receiving under $8, $8 to $12, and $12 and over
      per week 136

 9.  Percentage of men in men’s and women’s clothing and
      seven other manufacturing industries receiving
      under $18, $18 to $25, and $25 and over per week 138

Project Gutenberg
Wage Earning and Education from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.