Pinet 217 Rhull 183 Soloniac 194 Vicunet 153
Piozzy 196 Robert 176 Soubeyran 202 Vigneron 185
Plaichart Robert 203 Soubrany 178 Viguy 191 chottiere 168 Robin 204 Souhait 197 Villars 167
Plaigne (la) 151 Robespierre 175 Soulignac 197 Villiers (de)166
Planche (la) 172 Robespierre 176 Source (la) 193 Villers 160
Pocholles 188 Roche-gude 194 Syeyes 186 Villette 174
Poisson 165 Rocher (du) 194 T. Vigee 156
Pons 169 Romme 178 Taillefer 217 Vincent 188
Porcher 155 Rouault 171 Tallien 187 Vinet 211
Porte (la) 182 Roubaud 194 Tarrie 209 Vilet 184
Portier 174 Rovere 207 Taveau 208 Vouland 223
Potrier 155 Rousseau 167 Tavernel 223 W.
Poulain 166 Roussel 169 Tellier 190 Wandelin
Poulain grand Roux 167 Tenier 217 -court 167
Pre 197 Roux-fazillac 218 Thibaut 155 Y.
Poultier 173 Rouzet 151 Thibault 209 Yger 190
Precy 199 Rouyer 153 Thibaudot 196 Ysarn Godf. 206
Pressavin 183 Royer 199 Thierrier 204 Z.
Prieur 166 Royt 187 Thirion 171 Zangiacomi 169
Prieur 214 Rualt 189
“I am going to pronounce the sentence of rigour against Louis. “When justice has spoken, humanity should then make her voice heard. “I intreat the members and the tribune to observe profound silence. “The assembly is composed of 745 members: 1 of these is dead—6 are “sick—2 absent without assigning any reason—11 are absent with “leave—4 have not voted; the total is 24, which, being deducted “from 745, there remain 721 voters, of whom the absolute majority is “361.
“36 are for death, leaving the time of
it to be discussed hereafter.
“9 for death, with respite.
“2 for death, after a peace.
“2 for chains.
“319 for confinement.
“366 for death.
“The punishment pronounced against Louis is DEATH.”
“I OWE it to my honour, I owe it to my family, not to subscribe to an “accusation which I have not merited. I declare therefore, that I “bring an appeal to the nation at large from the judgment passed “against me; and I give to my defenders all necessary powers, in “order that this present appeal may be inserted in the Journals of “the Convention.”
The ADDRESS of Mons. DE SEZE, one of the defenders of the King, to the Convention.