Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
25.  Mons. de Favras, knight of St. Louis, arrested.
January 1.  The King is stripped of most of his royal
4.  The assembly desires him to fix the amount of his
civil list.
6.  The castle of Keralier burnt by plunderers. 
The three orders of the clergy, nobility, and
commons, suppressed as distinct orders of the
7.  Decree for the form of a civic oath to be taken by
the national guards.
13.  Decreed that Paris shall form one department. 
Decree in favour of Jews; another to remove the
prejudices which are attached to the families of
Feb. 1.  The King, after a long speech to the assembly,
takes the civic oath, together with all the
19.  De Favras executed.
20.  Death of Joseph IId. emperor of Germany.
March.  Massacres and fires in Lower-Languedoc.
7.  Grand review of the national guards in the Elysian
The scarcity of specie induces the necessity of
issuing paper money called assignats.
8.  Decreed, that the colonies form a part of the
French empire.
11.  Insurrection at Meaux.
12.  The red-book (book of court-accounts) made
14.  Insurrection at the national theatre.
18.  Sale of the property of the church decreed, by
which the government is enabled to abolish the duty
on salt.
April.  The Prince of Conti takes the civic oath in the
municipality of Paris.
11.  The Abbe, Maury and Viscount Mirabeau attacked
by the populace on coming out of the assembly. 
The assembly refuses to acknowledge the Roman
Catholick (sic) religion as the religion of the
state; and this resolution is followed by
forbidding all particularity of dress or form in
22.  General Paoli, at the head of a deputation from
Corsica, presents himself to the national assembly.
24.  Insurrection at Marseilles.
May.  Report and decree upon the disturbances at Mount
Monastic vows prohibited in future.
17.  Orders of knighthood and military decorations
22.  Decreed, that the right of making peace and war
belongs to the people.
25.  The Parisians occupied with hanging several
June.  Public Seminaries and academies of instruction
9.  The King goes to the assembly, and requires 25
millions of livres for his civil list.
10.  The Queen’s dower fixed at four millions. 
One million is voted for the King’s brothers.
16.  Massacres and disorders at Nismes (sic).
19.  Suppression of nobility, of all titles and orders,
of armorial bearings, and of livery-servants.
July 3.  Justices of the peace appointed throughout the
14.  Ceremony of a general federation, at which the King
Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.