Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
                  80 years of age.
             29.  The Austrians begin to bombard Lisle (sic). 
                  Spires taken by the army of Gen. Custine.
Oct. 2.  The Duke of Brunswick, commanding the Prussians,
                  begins his retreat from France, and raises the
                  siege of Thionville.
              4.  The title of Citizen is substituted for those of
                  Monsieur and Madame by a decree.
              7.  The Austrians raise the siege of Lisle.
              8.  Massacre at Cambray.
              9.  The soldiers of General Dumourier massacre their
             10.  Servan quits the ministry. 
                  Garat is appointed minister of justice.
             13.  Verdun evacuated by the Prussians.
             14.  A civic festival in honour of the conquest of
             18.  Nine emigrants guillotined in the Place-de-Greve.
             22.  The French retake Longwy.
             23.  Mayence taken by General Custine.
             24.  Great accusations of Roland to the convention.
             25.  The French territory evacuated by the Austrians and
             26.  Frankfort on the Main taken by the French.
             31.  A great number of returned emigrants denounced to
                  the commune of Paris.
Nov. 2.  All work at the camp near Paris is stopped.
              3.  The house of the deputy Marat is invested,
                  and the people demand his head.
              4.  Robespierre endeavours to acquit himself of the
                  charges brought against him by the deputy Louvet.
              6.  Report in the assembly of disturbances in the
                  department of Mayence and Loire. 
                  Three hundred millions of assignats issued with new
                  A discourse upon Atheism pronounced by Dupont, and
                  applauded by the convention. 
                  The Princess de Rohan-Rochefort is sent to prison
                  for having written to the ex-minister Bertrand.
              7.  The battle of Gemappe—­the Austrians are defeated
                  by superior numbers, and an immense artillery. 
                  Dumourier after his victory takes Mons.
                  A revolt announced at Guadaloupe.
             10.  Decreed, that all emigrants who shall return
                  to France shall suffer death, whether men, women,
                  or children, not excepting those who had never
                  borne arms.
             12.  Ghent taken by the French.
             14.  Brussels taken by the French.
             19.  General Montesquieu emigrates.
Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.