Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
                  the King guilty. 
                  M. Montmorin, governor of Fontainbleau,
                  although acquitted by the tribunal, is conveyed
                  back to prison by the people.
              2.  The city of Verdun is taken by the Prussians. 
                  From the 2d (sic) to the 9th of this month, the
                  most horrid outrages perpetrated without ceasing,
                  7605 prisoners, &c. inhumanly murdered, and the
                  assassins publicly demand their wages.  Every house
                  is a scene of dismay.  Massacres and butcheries are
                  committed in all the prisons and religious houses. 
                  These horrors drive a great number of inhabitants
                  from Paris. 
                  The Duke de la Rochefoucault, ex-constituent and
                  president of the department of Paris, is torn to
                  pieces by the populace.
             10.  Massacre at Versailles of 53 prisoners from
                  Orleans, who, it appears, were summoned to Paris
                  for the express purpose of having them disposed of
                  in this expeditious manner. 
                  Troops are enrolled for the frontiers. 
                  A camp is formed close to Paris.
             13.  The French armies fall back towards Chalons.
             14.  The King accepts the constitution.
             15.  Decreed, that the King’s person is inviolable,
                  and the crown of France indivisible and hereditary.
             16.  Robbery of the wardrobe of the crown. 
                  Decree, formally allowing divorces.
             18.  Philips, of the club of jacobins, presents in a
                  little box, to the legislative assembly, the heads
                  of his father and mother, whom his patriotism, as
                  he said, had just sacrificed.
             19.  The last sitting of the legislative assembly. 

Sept. 20.  First sitting of the third legislature, which takes
                  the title of National Convention.  It consists of
                  745 members.
             21.  Decreed, that royalty is abolished, and that the
                  kingdom of France is a republic. 
                  The battle of Grand-Pre gained by General
             22.  Danton resigns the ministry in order to take a
                  place in the convention.
             23.  The old Marshal Luckner is ordered to the bar of
                  the convention.
             27.  Mons. Cazotte, an author much esteemed, and who
                  with difficulty escaped from the assassins of the
                  2d of September, is conducted to the guillotine at

Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.