Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
             11.  Continuation of frightful outrages and murders. 
                  All foreign ambassadors quit France.
             12.  Roland, Clariere, and Servan, recalled to the
                  Danton appointed minister of justice. 
                  The statues of the King all thrown down. 
                  Servan appointed minister of the war department; de
                  Monge, of the marine; Clavieres, of finances;
                  Roland, of the interior; and Le Brun, of foreign
                  The King and his family are all conducted to the
             14.  Several ex-ministers and royalists committed to
                  Decreed, that all the administrations of the
                  kingdom shall be new formed.
             15.  Persons departing, even with passports, stopped.
             17.  Establishment of a tribunal for the summary trial
                  of royalists.
             18.  The Austrians and Prussians enter the French
                  Decree against La Fayette; who, with part of
                  his staff, quits the army and falls into the
                  hands of the Austrians, by whom he is detained a
             20.  Montmorin, ex-minister of foreign affairs,
             22.  M. D’Angremont guillotined at the Carouzel (sic).
             23.  Longwy taken by the Prussians.
             24.  M. de la Porte, comptroller of the civil list,
             25.  M. Durozoi, author of the gazette of Paris,
             26.  A civic festival, in honour of the sans-culottes
                  who were killed in the affair of the 10th of
                  Decreed, that all ecclesiastics who have not taken
                  the national oath, shall be transported.  In the
                  number of these victims were 138 archbishops and
                  bishops, and sixty-four thousand priests of the
                  second order. 
                  General Kellerman commands the army of Marshal
                  Luckner, and Dumourier that of General la Fayette.
             27.  In a sitting of the jacobins, Manuel causes an oath
                  to be taken, that every exertion will be used to
                  purge the earth of the pest of royalty.
             30.  Domiciliary visits, that is, nightly searches
                  in the citizens houses, for obnoxious persons.
Sept. 1.  Letter of the minister Roland, to all the
                  municipalities, to induce them to agree in finding
Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.