Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
                  A new guard begins to do duty about the King. 
                  Roland appointed by the King minister of the
                  interior department. 
                  Insurrection at Poitou. 
                  The Swiss Cantons demand from France the regiment
                  of Ernest. 
                  Alienation of the domains of St. Lazare, and of
                  Mount-Carmel, two orders of knighthood, of which
                  Monsieur was president.
April 1.  Troubles in Provence and Dauphiny. 
                  On the motion of Torne, constitutional bishop of
                  Bourges, all peculiar religious dresses are
                  abolished, and all secular congregations.
              6.  Pethion writes to the 48 sections, inviting them to
                  give a fete to the liberated soldiers of
             15.  A civic fete is given to the above soldiers, who
                  had been imprisoned for crimes.
             16.  Riots at the Hotel de Ville in Paris, on account of
                  the statues of la Fayette and Bailli.
             20.  The King goes to the national assembly to demand
                  whether it is willing to declare war. 
                  War declared against the King of Bohemia and
                  M. de Castellane, bishop of Mendes, sent to prison
                  at Orleans.
             29.  The army of Dillon routed near Tournay, and that
                  general massacred by his own soldiers near
                  Lisle (sic). 
                  The French routed near Mons under the command of
                  General Byron.
May 2.  Suppression of the military houses of Monsieur and
                  the Count d’Artois.
              6.  Desertion of the royal German regiment.
              8.  Report of the murder of several commissaries.
             10.  Pethion, in the commune of Paris, presents a
                  silver sword to Rene Audu, a heroine of the 6th of
                  October 1789. 
                  Decree concerning prisoners of war.
             11.  New disorders at Avignon.
             12.  Desertion of the regiment of Berchini.
             13.  M. Brival, a deputy, writes to the King to desire
                  that his cane may be restored to him, which was
                  taken from him at the gate of the Tuilleries. 
                  Abbe Maury elevated to the dignity of an
                  archbishop, and appointed nuncio extra-ordinary of
                  the holy see, to the diet of Ratisbon. 
                  Decree, depriving the brothers of the King of the
                  million which had been voted to them. 
Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.