Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
                  of a corporal.
             17.  Varnier denounced by Bazire, is sent to prison at
                  Pethion elected mayor of Paris.
             18.  He goes to the jacobins to thank them for having
                  obtained his election. 
                  Manuel is appointed procureur syndic of the commune
                  of Paris (a place next in importance to that of
             20.  Disorders at Montpellier.
             25.  Delatre committed to prison at Orleans.
             26.  Chabot enters the King’s apartment with his hat on
                  his head. 
                  Decreed, that non-conforming priests shall not make
                  use of the churches.
Dec. 1.  Three hundred millions of small assignats issued.
              2.  Insurrection at Brest.
              6.  Malvoisin, and twelve others, imprisoned at
             16.  Decreed, that every member of the Bourbon family
                  shall quit France in three days. 
                  M. Loyaute sent to prison at Orleans.
             20.  Several castles burnt at Sens.
             24.  Insurrection in the departments of Loir et Cher. 
                  The King goes to the assembly to discuss the
                  subject of war with foreign powers.
             27.  Lucknor and Rochambeau made marshals of France, and
                  with La Fayette appointed to command the armies. 
                  M. de Narbonne goes to visit the frontiers. 
                  Forty soldiers, who had been sent to the galleys,
                  are set at liberty. 
                  Establishment of a new high national court. 
                  Manuel causes the letters of Mirabeau, which were
                  found in the mayor’s office, to be printed and
             28.  The Queen goes to the opera, and is much applauded.
             29.  Manifesto proposed by M. Condorcet, to acquaint the
                  world with the sentiments of the French nation, if
                  it should be forced into war.
             31.  Decreed, that the ceremonies of New-year’s day
                  shall be abolished.

Jan. 1.  Egalite (duke of Orleans) ill received at the
              5.  Massacre of the minister of Chateau-neuf. 
                  Motion of Herault, that foreign powers be required
                  to forbid the white cockade to be worn by
             11.  Carra proposes at the Jacobin club, that the crown
                  of France be offered to the Duke of York.
             15.  Plan of a decree for declaring war against the

Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.