Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
                  The national guard to take place of the King’s. 
                  Whipping, and burning in the hand, annulled. 
                  Three days allowed to every person under accusation
                  to defend himself and repel the charge. 
                  In consequence of the acceptance of the
                  constitution, all criminal proceedings are stopped;
                  all persons confined on suspicion of
                  anti-revolutionary principles set at liberty; no
                  more passports required; a general amnesty takes
                  place; and the decree against emigrants is revoked. 
                  Disturbances at Arles—­suppression of the high
                  national court of Orleans—­and of all royal
                  notaries—­national notaries appointed. 
                  Prohibitory or commanding clauses in wills to be of
                  no avail henceforward. 
                  Every sort of property dependent upon, or connected
                  with, churches or charities, is confiscated. 
                  All the world admitted to the title and rank of
                  French citizen, without any distinction of country. 
                  Decree to unite Avignon and the county of Venaissin
                  to France. 
                  Certificates of catholicism suppressed, which
                  hitherto were required before admission into any
                  Severe penalties against introducing titles of
                  nobility into any public document. 
                  All the chambers and societies of commerce
                  Jews admitted to the rights of French citizens. 
                  The constituent assembly prepares to lay down its
                  powers, without rendering any account of its
                  Violent remonstrances against this. 
                  Decree against clubs and popular associations.
             30.  The King goes in state to close the session of this
                  first or constituent assembly

Oct. 4.  The second assembly takes the name of the
                  Legislative Assembly, and is opened by the King
                  in person.  It consists of 700 members. 
                  An oath is taken to observe the law. 
                  An administrator in one of the departments flies
                  with a large treasure.
             17.  Massacre at Avignon, with unusual horrors.  Jourdan
                  and his people destroy 600 victims in an ice-house. 
                  Insurrection at Paris on account of religious
                  The Marquis de la Fayette resigns the command of

Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.