Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.

Historical Epochs of the French Revolution eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 215 pages of information about Historical Epochs of the French Revolution.
from its author, a member of the national
June.  Letter of the Abbe Raynal to the assembly. 
                  Persecutions against non-conforming priests.  Their
                  tithes given to the proprietors of the estates.
              5.  The King deprived by decree of the power of
                  granting pardons.
              7.  A law against regicides. 
                  Conforming priests are everywhere put in possession
                  of the benefices of those who would not conform. 
                  A general sale of ecclesiastical property.
             18.  Decreed, that all military men take an oath of
                  fidelity to the nation. 
                  Insurrection at Bastia.
             21.  The King and royal family make their escape
             22. from Paris; they had nearly reached the frontiers,
                  when they were stopped at Varennes,
             25. and brought back ignominiously to Paris. 
                  Count Dampierre is massacred under the King’s eyes. 
                  The Marquis de Bouille writes a menacing letter to
                  the assembly on the subject of the King. 
                  An order is intimated to the King to disband his
                  body guards.  All the royal functions are
                  suspended.  The King is kept a close prisoner. 
                  Monsieur, the King’s brother, escapes to Coblentz.
July 9.  M. de Cazeles resigns his place as a deputy.
             10.  The national guards ordered to the frontiers.
             11.  The body of Voltaire transferred to the Pantheon.
             14.  Grand celebration of the anniversary of this day.
             17.  Insurrection in the Champ de Mars—­the red flag (the
                  signal of danger) continues flying a long time. 
                  Disorders in the Pays-de-Caux, and at
             23.  Violent decree against emigrant nobles. 
                  The assembly proceeds rigorously against those who
                  accompanied the King in his flight. 
                  The King himself is not considered so culpable. 
                  All distinctions of nobility, and all titles, are
                  wholly abolished. 
                  The ministers are required to give an account every
                  ten days to the assembly of the execution of its
                  The decree on people of colour spreads
                  consternation at St. Domingo.
August.  Money is coined from the metal of the bells in
                  One hundred thousand livres voted to the academy of
                  science for the purpose of bringing weights and
Project Gutenberg
Historical Epochs of the French Revolution from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.