History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

South Carolina:  founded, 6
  nullification, 253ff.
  See also Constitutions, state, Suffrage, Slavery, and Secession

South Dakota, 442

Spain:  and Revolution, 130
  Louisiana, 190
  Monroe Doctrine, 205
  Spanish War, 490ff.

Spoils system, 244, 250, 418, 536ff.

Stamp act, 82ff.

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 564

States:  disorders under Articles of Confederation, 141
  constitutions, federal limits on, 155
  position after Civil War, 366ff.
  See also Suffrage, Nullification, and Secession

Steamboat, 234

Stowe, H.B., 332

Strikes:  of 1877, 581
  Pullman, 581
  coal, 526
  See also Labor

Submarine campaign, 600ff.

Suffrage:  colonial, 42, 51
  first state constitutions, 239
  White manhood, 242
  Negro, 374ff., 385f. 
  Woman, 110, 562ff.

Sugar act, 81

Sumner, Charles, 319

Sumter, Fort, 350

Swedes, 3, 13

Taft, W.H., 527ff.

Tammany Hall, 306, 418

Taney, Chief Justice, 357

Tariff:  first, 167
  of 1816, 203
  development of, 251ff.
  abominations, 249, 253
  nullification, 251
  of 1842, 264
  Southern views of, 309ff.
  of 1857, 337
  Civil War, 367
  Wilson bill, 459
  McKinley bill, 422
  Dingley bill, 472
  Payne-Aldrich, 528
  Underwood, 588

Taxation:  and representation, 149
  and Constitution, 154
  Civil War, 353
  and wealth, 522, 551
  and World War, 606

Tea act, 88

Tea party, 92

Tenement house reform, 549

Tennessee, 28, 224

Territories, Northwest, 219
  South of the Ohio, 219
  See also Slavery and Compromise

Texas, 278ff.

Tippecanoe, battle, 198

Tocqueville, 267

Toleration, religious, 42

Tories, colonial, 84
  in Revolution, 112

Townshend acts, 80, 87

Trade, colonial, 70
  legislation, 70. See Commerce

Transylvania company, 28

Treasury, independent, 263

Treaties, of 1763, 61
  alliance with France, 177
  of 1783 with England, 134
  Jay, 177, 218
  Louisiana purchase, 191f.
  of 1815, 201
  Ashburton, 265
  of 1848 with Mexico, 283
  Washington with England, 481
  with Spain, 492
  Versailles (1919), 612ff.

Trenton, battle, 116

Trollope, Mrs., 268

Trusts, 405ff., 461, 472ff., 521, 526, 530

Tweed, W.M., 418

Tyler, President, 264ff., 281, 349

“Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” 332

Union party, 365

Unions. See Labor

Utah, 290ff., 329, 442

Utilities, municipal, 548

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.