Implied powers, 212
Impressment of seamen, 194
Indentured servants, 13f.
Independence, Declaration of, 107
Indiana, admission, 226
Indians, 57ff., 81, 431
Industry: colonial, 28ff.
growth of, 296ff.
during Civil War, 366
after 1865, 390ff., 401ff., 436ff., 559
See also Trusts
Initiative, the, 543
Injunction, 465, 580
Internal improvements, 260, 368
Interstate commerce act, 461, 529
Intolerable acts, 93
Invisible government, 537
Iowa, admission, 275
Irish, 11, 302
Iron. See Industry
Irrigation, 434ff., 523ff.
Jackson, Andrew, 201, 204, 246, 280
Jacobins, 174
James I, 3
James II, 65
Jamestown, 3, 21
Japan, relations with, 447, 511, 583
Jay, John, 128, 158, 177
Jefferson, Thomas: Declaration of Independence,
Secretary of State, 162ff.
political leader, 169
as President, 183ff.
Monroe Doctrine, 206, 231
Jews, migration of, 11
Johnson, Andrew, 365, 368, 371f.
Johnson, Samuel, 132
Joliet, 59
Jones, John Paul, 118
Judiciary: British system, 67
federal, 152
Kansas, admission, 441
Kansas-Nebraska bill, 333
Kentucky: admission, 224
Resolutions, 182
King George’s War, 59
King Philip’s War, 57
King William’s War, 59
King’s College (Columbia), 45
Knights of Labor, 575ff.
Kosciusko, 121
Ku Klux Klan, 382
Labor: rise of organized, 304
parties, 462ff.
question, 521
American Federation, 573ff.
legislation, 590
World War, 608ff.
Lafayette, 121
La Follette, Senator, 531
Land: tenure 20ff.
sales restricted, 80
Western survey, 219
federal sales policy, 220
Western tenure, 228
disappearance of free, 445
new problems, 449
See also Homestead act
La Salle, 59
Lawrence, Captain, 200
League of Nations, 616ff.
Le Boeuf, Fort, 59
Lee, General Charles, 131
Lee, R.E., 357
Lewis and Clark expedition, 193
Lexington, battle, 100
Liberal Republicans, 420
Liberty loan, 606
Lincoln: Mexican War, 282
Douglas debates, 336f.
election, 341
Civil War, 344ff.
reconstruction, 371
Literacy test, 585
Livingston, R.R., 191
Locke, John, 95
London Company, 3
Long Island, battle, 114
Lords of trade, 67ff.