History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

Freedmen. See Negro

Freehold. See Land

Free-soil party, 319

Fremont, J.C., 288, 334

French. See France

Friends, the, 5

Frontier. See Land

Fugitive slave act, 329

Fulton, Robert, 231, 234

Fundamental articles, 5

Fundamental orders, 5

Gage, General, 95, 100

Garfield, President, 416

Garrison, William Lloyd, 318

Gaspee, the, 92

Gates, General, 116, 120, 131

Genet, 177

George I, 66

George II, 4, 66, 82

George III, 77ff.

Georgia:  founded, 4
  royal province, 49
  state constitution, 109
  See also Secession

Germans:  colonial immigration, 9ff.
  in Revolutionary War, 102ff.
  later immigration, 303

Germany:  Samoa, 481
  Venezuela affair, 512
  World War, 596f.

Gerry, Elbridge, 148

Gettysburg, 362

Gibbon, Edward, 133

Gold:  discovery, 288
  standard, 466, 472

Gompers, Samuel, 573, 608

Governor, royal, 49ff.

Grandfather clause, 386f.

Grangers, 460ff.

Grant, General, 361, 416, 480, 487

Great Britain. See England

Greeley, Horace, 420

Greenbacks, 454ff.

Greenbackers, 462ff.

Greene, General, 117, 120

Grenville, 79ff.

Guilford, battle, 117

Habeas corpus, 358

Hague conferences, 514

Haiti, 593

Hamilton, Alexander, 95, 143, 158, 162, 168ff., 231

Harding, W.G., 389, 619

Harlem Heights, battle, 114

Harper’s Ferry, 339

Harrison, Benjamin, 422, 484

Harrison, W.H., 198, 263f.

Hartford convention, 201ff., 238

Harvard, 44

Hawaii, 484f.

Hay, John, 477, 500ff.

Hayne, Robert, 256

Hays, President, 416f.

Henry, Patrick, 85

Hepburn act, 523

Hill, James J., 429

Holland, 130

Holy Alliance, 205

Homestead act, 368, 432

Hooker, Thomas, 5

Houston, Sam, 279ff.

Howe, General, 118

Hughes, Charles E., 602

Huguenots, 10

Hume, David, 132

Hutchinson, Anne, 5

Idaho, admission, 442

Income tax, 459, 466, 528, 588, 606

Inheritance tax, 606

Illinois, admission, 226

Illiteracy, 585

Immigration:  colonial, 1-17
  before Civil War, 302, 367
  after Civil War, 410ff.
  problems of, 582ff.

Imperialism, 494ff., 498f., 502ff.

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.