History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

Caucus, 245

Censorship. See Newspapers

Charles I, 3

Charles II, 65

Charleston, 36, 116

Charters, colonial, 2ff., 41

Chase, Justice, 187

Chateau-Thierry, 611

Checks and balances, 153

Chesapeake, the, 195

Chickamauga, 361

Child labor law, 591

China, 447, 499ff.

Chinese labor, 583

Churches, colonial, 39ff., 42, 43

Cities, 35, 36, 300ff., 395, 410, 544

City manager plan, 545

Civil liberty, 358ff., 561

Civil service, 419, 536, 538ff.

Clarendon, Lord, 6

Clark, G.R., 116, 218

Clay, Henry, 198, 203, 248, 261, 328

Clayton anti-trust act, 489

Clergy. See Churches

Cleveland, Grover, 421, 465, 482, 484, 489, 582

Clinton, Sir Henry, 119

Colorado, admission, 441

Combination. See Trusts

Commerce, colonial, 33ff.
  disorders after 1781, 140
  Constitutional provisions on, 154
  Napoleonic wars, 176, 193ff.
  domestic growth of, 307
  congressional regulation of, 460ff., 547
  See also Trusts and Railways

Commission government, 544

Committees of correspondence, 108

Commonsense, pamphlet, 103

Communism, colonial, 20f.

Company, trading, 2f.

Compromises:  of Constitution, 148, 150, 151
  Missouri, 325, 332
  of 1850, 328ff. 
  Crittenden, 350

Conciliation, with England, 131

Concord, battle, 100

Confederacy, Southern, 346ff.

Confederation:  New England, 61f.
  See also Articles of

Congregation, religious, 4

Congress:  stamp act, 85
  continental, 99ff.
  under Articles, 139f.
  under Constitution, 152
  powers of, 153

Connecticut:  founded, 4ff.
  self-government, 49
  See also Suffrage
  constitutions, state

Conservation, 523ff.

Constitution:  formation of, 143ff.
  See also Amendment

Constitution, the, 200

Constitutions, state, 109ff., 238ff., 385ff.

Constitutional union party, 340

Contract labor law, 584

Convention:  1787, 144ff.
  nominating, 405

Convicts, colonial, 15

Conway Cabal, 120

Cornwallis, General, 116, 119, 131

Corporation and labor, 571. See also Trusts

Cotton. See Planting system

Cowboy, 431ff.

Cowpens, battle, 116

Cox, J.M., 619

Crisis, The, pamphlet, 115

Crittenden Compromise, 350

Cuba, 485ff., 518

Cumberland Gap, 223

Currency. See Banking

Danish West Indies, purchased, 593

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.