History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

Alamo, 280

Alaska, purchase, 479

Albany, plan of union, 62

Algonquins, 57

Alien law, 180

Amendment, method of, 156

Amendments to federal Constitution:  first eleven, 163
  twelfth, 184, note
  thirteenth, 358
  fourteenth, 366, 369, 387
  fifteenth, 358
  sixteenth, 528
  seventeenth, 542
  eighteenth, 591
  nineteenth, 563ff.

American expeditionary force, 610

American Federation of Labor, 573, 608

Americanization, 585

Amnesty, for Confederates, 383

Andros, 65

Annapolis, convention, 144

Antietam, 357

Anti-Federalists, 169

Anti-slavery. See Abolition

Anthony, Susan, 564

Appomattox, 363

Arbitration:  international, 480, 514, 617
  labor disputes, 582

Arizona, admission, 443

Arkansas, admission, 272

Arnold, Benedict, 114, 120

Articles of Confederation, 110, 139ff., 146

Ashburton, treaty, 265

Assembly, colonial, 49ff., 89ff.

Assumption, 164ff.

Atlanta, 361

Australian ballot, 540

Bacon, Nathaniel, 58

Ballot:  Australian, 540
  short, 544

Baltimore, Lord, 6

Bank:  first U.S., 167
  second, 203, 257ff.

Banking system:  state, 300
  U.S. national, 369
  services of, 407
  See also Federal reserve

Barry, John, 118

Bastille, 172

Bell, John, 341

Belleau Wood, 611

Berlin decree, 194

Blockade:  by England and France, 193ff. 
  Southern ports, 353
  law and practice in 1914, 598ff.

Bond servants, 13ff.

Boone, Daniel, 28, 218

Boston:  massacre, 91
  evacuation, 116
  port bill, 94

Bowdoin, Governor, 142

Boxer rebellion, 499

Brandywine, 129

Breckinridge, J.C., 340

Bright, John, 355

Brown, John, 338

Brown University, 45

Bryan, W.J., 468ff., 495, 502, 503, 527

Buchanan, James, 335, 368

Budget system, 529

Bull Run, 350

Bunker Hill, 102

Burgoyne, General, 116, 118, 130

Burke, Edmund, 87, 96ff., 132, 175

Burr, Aaron, 183, 231

Business. See Industry

Calhoun, J.C., 198ff., 203, 208, 281, 321, 328

California, 286ff.

Canada, 61, 114, 530

Canals, 233, 298, 508

Canning, British premier, 206

Cannon, J.G., 530

Cantigny, 611

Caribbean, 479

Carpet baggers, 373

Cattle ranger, 431ff.

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.