History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.

History of the United States eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 731 pages of information about History of the United States.
to land and
V. Minor political parties.
1.  Before the Civil War:  Free Soil (319) and Labor Parties
2.  Since the Civil War:  Greenback (463-464), Populist (464),
Liberal Republican (420), Socialistic (577-579), Progressive
(531-534, 602-603).

=The Economic Development of the United States=

I. The land and natural resources.
1.  The colonial land system:  freehold, plantation, and manor
2.  Development of the freehold in the West (220-221, 228-230).
3.  The Homestead act and its results (368, 432-433).
4.  The cattle range and cowboy (431-432).
5.  Disappearance of free land (443-445).
6.  Irrigation and reclamation (434-436).
7.  Movement for the conservation of resources (523-526). 
II.  Industry.
1.  The rise of local and domestic industries (28-32).
2.  British restrictions on American enterprise (67-69, 70-72).
3.  Protective tariffs (see above, 648-649).
4.  Development of industry previous to the Civil War (295-307).
5.  Great progress of industry after the war (401-406).
6.  Rise and growth of trusts and combinations (406-412,
III.  Commerce and transportation.
1.  Extent of colonial trade and commerce (32-35).
2.  British regulation (69-70).
3.  Effects of the Revolution and the Constitution
(139-140, 154).
4.  Growth of American shipping (195-196).
5.  Waterways and canals (230-236).
6.  Rise and extension of the railway system (298-300).
7.  Growth of American foreign trade (445-449). 
IV.  Rise of organized labor.
1.  Early phases before the Civil War:  local unions, city
federations, and national unions in specific trades
2.  The National Trade Union, 1866-1872 (574-575).
3.  The Knights of Labor (575-576).
4.  The American Federation of Labor (573-574).
a. Policies of the Federation (576-577).
b. Relations to politics (579-581).
c. Contests with socialists and radicals (577-579).
d. Problems of immigration (582-585).
5.  The relations of capital and labor.
a. The corporation and labor (410, 570-571).
b. Company unions and profit-sharing (571-572).
c. Welfare work (573).
d. Strikes (465, 526, 580-581).
e. Arbitration (581-582).

=American Foreign Relations=

I. Colonial period.
1.  Indian relations (57-59).
2.  French relations (59-61). 
II.  Period of conflict and independence.
1.  Relations with Great Britain (77-108, 116-125, 132-135).
2.  Establishment of connections with European powers (128).
3.  The French alliance of 1778 (128-130).
4.  Assistance of Holland and Spain (130). 
III.  Relations with Great Britain since 1783.
1.  Commercial settlement in Jay treaty of 1794 (177-178).
2.  Questions arising out of European wars [1793-1801]

Project Gutenberg
History of the United States from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.