Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887.

Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 134 pages of information about Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887.
mares largely impregnated with Arabian blood, all that was necessary for them to do was to get trotting-bred stallions from New York State, then eclipse all other States in the produce.  While I cheerfully award to Kentucky all credit due to it, I am not willing that Lieut.  Robertson should make his base for government breeding establishment sectional, nor would I submit to England through Kentucky.  I am too American for that.

For cavalry purposes, the Prussian horse is the best in the world, and is also Arabian in its closest foundation.

To get at this blood question more definitely, let us inquire into these different recognized self-producing national types of horses abroad.

First is the English thoroughbred race horse, which is simply an improved Arab.  The functions of this English national horse are but twofold—­to run races and to beget himself, after which he ceases to be of value.  He is not a producer of any other type of value; to breed him out of his family is mongrelism and degeneracy, so we don’t want him, even though we could humiliate our American pride through our loved State of Kentucky.

Count Orloff of Russia was a great horseman, exceedingly fond of horseback riding independent of the chase.  He tried in 1800 to breed a satisfactory horse from the English thoroughbred race horse, but went from bad to worse until he resorted to the ever-pliant blood of the Arabian.  He sent to Egypt and secured a thoroughbred Arabian stallion, paying $8,000 for him (in our money).  This horse he bred to Danish mares, largely of Arabian blood, and created a very stout, short-backed horse, standing from 151/2 to 153/4 and 16 hands high, of great trotting speed, also able to run to weight, and with good disposition, which the English thoroughbred did not have.  This type he continued to close-breed, going back to the Arabian for renewed stoutness.  At his death, his estates passed to his daughter, who continued her father’s breedings until the Russian government purchased the entire collection, about 1846, since when the Russian government Orloff trotting and saddle horse has become famous the world over as a first-class saddle, cavalry, stage coach, and trotting horse combined.  They are broken at three years of age, and scarce any that cannot beat 2:30 at trotting speed, and from that down to 2:15 in their crude way of hitching and driving.  This is something for American breeders to think very interestedly upon.

France wanted heavy draught horses, also proud coach horses; so rather than go to any competing nation for their created types, her enterprising subjects took the same Arabian blood, and from it created the beautiful Percheron, also French coach horses, so greatly valued and admired the world over, and which the gifted and immortal Rosa Bonheur has so happily reproduced upon canvas.  Can America show any kind of a horse to tempt her brush?

Project Gutenberg
Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.