Eohippus, 78
Erdkunde, 170, 171
Error, 243
Established church and Education, 189
Ether, 219
Ethics and evolution, 263
Ethical process, 265
Eutheria, 142
Evidence, limitations of, 231
Evidence for miraculous, 258
Evil, 268, 269, 271
Evolution, 60, 62, 63, 108, 110, 122, 168, 248
Evolution and Christianity, 122
Evolution of Cosmos, 250-253
Evolution not an explanation of Cosmos, 229
Evolution and Darwinism, 94
Evolution before Darwin, 91, 93, 100
Evolution, Darwin’s contribution to, 93, 104
Evolution and ethics, 263
Evolution of horse, 73
Evolution and natural selection, 124-127
Evolution and pain, 268
Evolution, philosophy of, 272
Evolution and palaeontology, 86, 87
Evolution and Theism, 244
Evolutionist, 281
Exposition, Huxley’s method of, 208
Faith, agnostic, 243
Falkenstein, 153
Fayrer, Sir Joseph, 10, 11
Feet of anthropoids, 164
Fertility of artificial breeds, 127
Fiddle, 278
Fisgard, H.M.S., 46
Fish, fossil, 68
Fisheries, Inspector of, 277
Flower, Sir William, 146
Forbes, Edward, 47, 63
Foreign languages, 196, 213
Forms of Animal Life, 178
Fossils, 67, 68
Fossils, chronological arrangement of, 87
Fossils and evolution, 87
Foundation membranes of Medusae, 40-43
Foster, Sir Michael, 47, 64, 180, 283
Freedom of the Press, 240
Freedom of thought, 231, 233
French, 213
French Revolution, 111
French translations, 216
Fullerian Professor, 64
Function, changes in, 230
Galileo, 247
Gallinaceous birds, 139
Gambit, 169
Game of life, 170
Garden, as an instance of interference with cosmic process, 267
Garnier, 151
Gasteropoda, 58
Gegenbauer, 59
Genesis, 234, 248, 250, 251, 252
Geographical distribution, 137-141
Geological addresses, 79, 80
Geological club, 234
Geological contemporaneity, 79
Geological history, 249
Geological Society of London, 70, 78, 80, 86
Geological time, 84, 85
Geology and the Bible, 80
Geology and catastrophism, 80, 81
Geology compared with biology, 82
Geology, history of, 234
German, 213
Gibbons, 149
Girls, education of, 190