Cosmos, 229, 263, 265, 267, 272
Cowper-Temple Clause, 188
Crayfish, 158, 173, 277
Creation, 139, 246, 252
Creator, the, 250
Credibility of authority, 232
Criticism, Biblical, 194
Criticism of life, 185
Croonian lectures, 65, 129
Ctenophora, 42
Culture and science, 185, 186
Curriculum of medical education, 184
Cuttle-fish, 58
Cuvier, 6, 38, 115, 132, 133, 136, 209, 211
Darwin, Charles, 27-29, 60, 61, 68, chapters viii. and ix., 138, 147, 166, 229, 242
Darwin medal, 108
Darwin, voyage of, 27, 28
Darwin, Erasmus, 90
Darwinism, 103, 104, 106, 123
Darwinism, Huxley’s late and early opinions on, 106-109
Darwinism and Lamarckism, 94
“Days” of creation, 251, 252
De la Beche, Sir Henry, 63, 64
Deluge, the, 235
Descartes, 219, 240, 243
Design, argument from, 230
Despotism and the Bible, 245
Devonian fishes, 68
Deuteronomy, 245
Dinosaurs and the ancestry of birds, 69
Diprotodonts, 142
Dissection in laboratories, 181
Divine will and science, 233
Doctrine of the Deluge, 235
Dogma and literature in the Bible, 254
Doliolum, 56
Domestic economy, 190
Doubt, duty of, 232, 239, 269
Drawing for children, 193
Dredging, 22
Drill for children, 189
Durckheim, Strauss, 173
Earth, age of, 84, 85
Eastbourne, 277
Ecclesiasticism, 235, 239
Echidna, 156
Economy, domestic, 190
Edinburgh, 174
Edinburgh Review, 115, 116
Education, classical, 185, 210
Education of children, 170
Education, elementary, 187, 188
Education, general, 184
Education, liberal, 169, 186, 210
Education, medical, 181
Education and religion, 188
Education, scientific, 168
Education of teachers, 195
Education, university, 195
Eggs of Mammalia, 156
Egypt, 276
Ejects, 221
Elementary education, 188
Elementary lessons in physiology, 172
Embryology and zooelogy, 177
Embryology of brain and skull, 130-133
Embryology of Mammals, 156, 157
Embryology of man, 159
Embryos, marine, 176
Embryos of vertebrates, 157
Endostyle of Ascidians, 56
England in eighteenth century, 239
English Bible, 245
English men of letters, 218
English philosophers, 218