have been bestowed upon me, to pretend that I have not succeeded
in the career which I have followed, rather because I was driven
into it than of my own free will; but I am afraid I should not
count even these things as marks of success if I could not hope
that I had not somewhat helped that movement of opinion which has
been called the New Reformation.”
Adams, 209
Admiralty, 14, 48, 49
Agassiz, 68, 91, 99
Age of the earth, 84, 85
Agnosticism, 239, 241-243, 279
Ahriman, 265
Alchemists, 256, 257
Alternation of generations, 53, 54
Ameghino, 141
America, 70
American addresses, 71
American fossils, 75
American monkeys, 163
Amphibia, 143
Amphioxus, 22, 134
Anatomy of man and ape, 161
Anchitherium, 70, 74, 76
Animal kingdom, old views of, 35
Animals and plants, 97
Anthracosaurus, 69
Anthropomorphism, 250
Anthropoid apes, 149-153
“Ape and Tiger” methods, 265
Appendicularia, 56, 57
Apprenticeship in medicine, 183
Archaeopteryx, 136
Archetype of molluscs, 58, 59, 61
Archetype of Vertebrata, Articulata, and Radiata, 62
Arctogoea, 140
Argyll, Duke of, 248
Aristotle, 100, 259
Arnold, Matthew, 185
Articulata of Cuvier, 38
Ascaris, egg of, 176
Ascidians, 55-57, 96
Australia and South America, land connection, 141
Authority, 175, 231, 232, 241
Authority and investigation, 179
Authority and knowledge, 104, 105
Axioms, 240
Bach, Sebastian, 278
Balfour, F.M., 135
Barrier Reef of Australia, 20
Basi-cranium of vertebrates, 132
Beagle, voyage of, 28
Beelzebub, 238
Belief, duty of, 238, 239
Belief, nature of scientific, 228
Beneden, van, 59, 176
Berkeley, Bishop, 218, 221, 224
Berkeley, quotation from, 221
Bible, 189, 192, 194, 213, 235, 237, 244, 245, 247, 248, 250, 253, 254, 259
Bible and geology, 80
Bibliolatry, 235, 246
Bimana, 164
Biology and medical education, 184
Birds, ancestry of, 69
Birds, classification of, 135
Birmingham, 185
Bishop, 175
Bishop Berkeley, 218, 221, 224
Bishop of Norwich, 33
Bishop of Oxford, see Wilberforce
Boards for elementary education, 188