Plague Ship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about Plague Ship.

Plague Ship eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 231 pages of information about Plague Ship.

After three visits to the hold and the discovery that the Hoobat had uncovered no more of the pests, Dane caged the angry blue horror and returned it to its usual stand in Jellico’s cabin, certain that the ship was clean for Sinbad now confidently prowled the corridors and went into every cabin of storage space Dane opened for him.

And on the morning of the day they had planned for take-off, Hovan at last had a definite response to his treatment.  Craig Tau roused, stared dazedly around, and asked a vague question.  The fact he immediately relapsed once more into semi-coma did not discourage the other Medic.  Progress had been made and he was now sure that he knew the proper treatment.

They strapped down at zero hour and blasted out of the weird green wilderness they had not dared to explore, lifting into the arch of the sky, depending upon Rip’s knowledge to put them safely down again.

Dane once more rode out the take-off at the com-unit, waiting for the blast of radiation born static to fade so that he could catch any broadcast.

“—­turned back last night.  The high level of radiation makes it almost certain that the outlaws could not have headed into the dangerous central portion.  Search is now spreading north.  Authorities are inclined to believe that this last outrage may be a clew to the vanished ’Solar Queen,’ a plague ship, warned off and Patrol Posted after her crew plundered an E-Stat belonging to the Inter-Solar Corporation.  Anyone having any information concerning this ship—­or any strange spacer—­report at once to the nearest Terrapolice or Patrol station.  Do not take chances—­report any contact at once to the nearest Terrapolice or Patrol station!”

“That’s putting it strongly,” Dane commented as he relayed the message.  “Good as giving orders for us to be flamed down at sight—­”

“Well, if we set down in the right spot,” Rip replied, “they can’t flame us out without blasting the larger part of Terraport field with us.  And I don’t think they are going to do that in a hurry.”

Dane hoped Shannon was correct in that belief.  It would be more chancy than landing at the E-Stat or in the Big Burn—­to gauge it just right and put them down on the Terraport apron where they could not be flamed out without destroying too much, where their very position would give them a bargaining point, was going to be a top star job.  If Rip could only pull it off!

He could not evaluate the niceties of that flight, he did not understand all Rip was doing.  But he did know enough to remain quietly in his place, ask no questions, and await results with a dry mouth and a wildly beating heart.  There came a moment when Rip glanced up at him, one hand poised over the control board.  The pilot’s voice came tersely, thin and queer: 

“Pray it out, Dane—­here we go!”

Dane heard the shrill of a riding beam, so tearing he had to move his earphones.  They must be almost on top of the control tower to get it like that!  Rip was planning on a set down where the Queen would block things neatly.  He brought his own fingers down on the E-E-Red button to give the last and most powerful warning.  That, to be used only when a ship landing was out of control, should clear the ground below.  They could only pray it would vacate the port they were still far from seeing.

Project Gutenberg
Plague Ship from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.