the death of their inestimable friend, is replete with
sentiments which augur highly for the probably future
sovereign’s adding new lustre to the brilliant
throne of his most renowned ancestors. The Duke
of Clarence, too, long united in friendship to the
hero, whom he venerated with an almost paternal regard,
lamented him with little less than the truest filial
sorrow. In short, from the entire royal family,
through every subordinate degree of rank and virtue,
to the humblest class of existence, wherever the tidings
came, tears overflowed every eye, and grief took entire
possession of every heart. The glorious victory,
though one of the greatest ever obtained by mortal,
and though the last, as well as the most splendid,
of the hero so beloved; was scarcely considered, by
the nation, as an object worthy of those public rejoicings
with which very inferior triumphs are constantly attended.
Cannon, indeed, as usual, announced the intelligence,
but their sound conveyed a deep melancholy to the
heart; the bells were rung, but their peals inspired
no hilarity, and seemed little less than the mournful
knells of death; nocturnal illuminations were displayed,
but the transparencies which they discovered, amidst
the gloom, presented only so many sad memorials of
the universal loss, expressed by ingenious devices
to the hero’s memory, which the spectators beheld
with sensations of augmented grief, and one general
aspect of expressive but unutterable woe. If
such was the state of the public feeling, what must
have been that of the hero’s dearest relatives
and friends; of those who had to sustain all the superadded
pangs of a loss so difficult to be supplied for the
service of the country, so impossible for the felicities
of themselves! Several months elapsed, before
Lady Hamilton quitted her bed; and Mrs. Bolton and
Mrs. Matcham, for a long time, suffered similar anguish
and affliction. Indeed, even all the younger
branches of this amiable and interesting family, as
well as their respective parents, evinced the highest
possible degree of sensibility and sorrow for their
irretrievable calamity; a calamity which, to them,
all the honours and emoluments a grateful nation may
bestow, extending to his remotest kindred, at present
as well as in future, can scarcely be considered as
affording any adequate recompence.
The great council of the country failed not to express
solemnly their strong sense of the irreparable loss,
by unanimously voting all the grand ceremonials of
a public interment beneath the centre of the dome
in St. Paul’s cathedral, and a monumental erection
of commensurate grandeur to rise immediately above
the hero’s honoured remains.
His majesty, on the 9th of November, was also graciously
pleased to elevate his lordship’s brother and
heir, the Reverend Dr. William Nelson, to the dignity
of a Viscount and Earl of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Ireland, by the names, stiles, and titles,
of Viscount Merton and Earl Nelson, of Trafalgar,
and of Merton in the county of Surrey; the same to
descend to his heirs male; and, in their default, to
the heirs male, successively, of Susannah, wife of
Thomas Bolton, Esq., and Catharine, wife of George
Matcham, Esq. sisters of the late Lord Viscount Nelson.