The Pivot of Civilization eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about The Pivot of Civilization.

The Pivot of Civilization eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 187 pages of information about The Pivot of Civilization.

Much as the atomic theory, with its revelations of the vast treasure house of radiant energy that lies all about us, offers new hope in the material world, so the new psychology throws a new light upon human energies and possibilities of individual expression.  Social reformers, like those scientists of a bygone era who were sweeping the skies with their telescopes, have likewise been seeking far and wide for the solution of our social problems in remote and wholesale panaceas, whereas the true solution is close at hand,—­in the human individual.  Buried within each human being lies concealed a vast store of energy, which awaits release, expression and sublimation.  The individual may profitably be considered as the “atom” of society.  And the solution of the problems of society and of civilization will be brought about when we release the energies now latent and undeveloped in the individual.  Professor Edwin Grant Conklin expresses the problem in another form; though his analogy, it seems to me, is open to serious criticism.  “The freedom of the individual man,” he writes,(1) “is to that of society as the freedom of the single cell is to that of the human being.  It is this large freedom of society, rather than the freedom of the individual, which democracy offers to the world, free societies, free states, free nations rather than absolutely free individuals.  In all organisms and in all social organizations, the freedom of the minor units must be limited in order that the larger unit may achieve a new and greater freedom, and in social evolution the freedom of individuals must be merged more and more into the larger freedom of society.”

This analogy does not bear analysis.  Restraint and constraint of individual expression, suppression of individual freedom “for the good of society” has been practised from time immemorial; and its failure is all too evident.  There is no antagonism between the good of the individual and the good of society.  The moment civilization is wise enough to remove the constraints and prohibitions which now hinder the release of inner energies, most of the larger evils of society will perish of inanition and malnutrition.  Remove the moral taboos that now bind the human body and spirit, free the individual from the slavery of tradition, remove the chains of fear from men and women, above all answer their unceasing cries for knowledge that would make possible their self-direction and salvation, and in so doing, you best serve the interests of society at large.  Free, rational and self-ruling personality would then take the place of self-made slaves, who are the victims both of external constraints and the playthings of the uncontrolled forces of their own instincts.

Project Gutenberg
The Pivot of Civilization from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.