Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

Woman's Endurance eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 90 pages of information about Woman's Endurance.

440 little better, and 383 much better.

190; Mrs. Taljard died last night.

Deaths at 201, 312, and 460 also; and all these had never yet been visited.  Here is where the dissatisfaction comes in; and yet, how am I to know?

In 436 a child died; mother in great sorrow.

Next to 416 is Mrs. Van der Walt; very sick; not at all serene within; such cases very hard.  While at dinner suddenly called to Mrs. Van der Walt—­death’s throes; prayer; when at dinner, on return, heard the horrible whistle go.

Our wood is done, and there remains nothing wherewith to make coffins; will have to bury in blankets to-morrow I fear; this will cause extra affliction and unhappiness.  Pitiable to see husband of Mrs. Van der Walt pleading for boxes which could not be given; and he was “schatryk” (very rich) they say.  There will be a great outcry, I’m afraid.  And yet, after all, will a coffin save the soul?

After dinner, 169; baby died; mother sorely stricken.

Visited old mother in 25 again, and spoke few words of cheer; she is an old Christian; blessed me for coming.

In luck’s way to-day; felt inclined for handwash, and was taken into tent 335; Horak’s; relations of old Jaap’s[16]; nice, clean, tidy; delighted; happiness; mother; daughter; autoharp; lemon syrup; must go again if I can.

“Wie is daar?  Wat is dit?” ("Who is there?  What is it?”)

“Zal Minheer L——­ assemblief gou kom naar Mrs. Meintjes?  Zij le op sterve!” ("Will Mr. L——­ please come quickly to Mrs. Meintjes?  She is dying!”)

Just returned; delirious; called her by name after prayer, and she became conscious for a few seconds; fear her moments on earth are numbered.  How good of those girls to watch over her!  Husband rushed out of tent in tears.  Now, what could I do?

“Is there no pity sitting in the clouds can see into the bottom of our grief?”

10 p.m., walked through Camp.

Great coughs; little coughs; deep coughs; shrill coughs; hoarse coughs; long coughs; short coughs; coughs that are no coughs at all.  Wonder how many are to die to-night!

* * * * *

Wednesday, August 28.—­Now if there is anything that rubs me up the wrong way, it is to see a crowd around a tent doorway, watching the end.  Yesterday I lost my temper at 35, and gave it hot all round.  Such barefaced curiosity is revolting; I hate it.

Yes, 35 (21 years) passed away last night, and so did 415 (Mrs. Meintjes), whom I visited late last evening.

This morning the black list was laid on my table; twelve[17] in the night—­339, 415, 125, 253, 180, 526, 419, 35, 353, 450, I didn’t expect 415 to live long.

The night has been a most restless one; “Ja, minheer, ons het vannacht nie rust gehad nie” ("Yes, sir, we had no rest last night”) (morgue tents men).

I woke at 2 a.m. with the tramp of these bearers removing corpses[18].

Project Gutenberg
Woman's Endurance from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.